Chapter 27: Legato (Or, a group of notes that are joined up instead of separate)

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"...And that's everything, I think. I still can't believe I survived the destruction of Enma's weapon. It's...really lucky. I'm really lucky to be here," she said softly.

"Fate was kind to us, Asuka."

A vivacious image popped into Asuka's mind of three glowing dragons coming up out of a body of water. They twisted together while they swam in the air and gracefully descended to where she stood on the shore with open arms. They were beautiful and ancient, and their coming was signaled by the sound of a gong. The wind whipped her hair back as it seemed to whisper, Asuka...Asuka...Asuka...


She startled.

"Are you alright?"

The image of the three dragons faded, but Asuka couldn't help feeling like she'd met those dragons somewhere before. "You might be right about Fate Kurama," she said in the same quiet tone. "Maybe I was supposed to die, but something...happened. I don't know. It's strange, but I can't shake the feeling."

"If that is the case, and Fate did give you back to me, then I am beyond grateful. I...don't know what I would've done, love."

She nodded and tried to swallow the lump that formed in her throat.

He gently cupped her face with both his hands. "I want you to know that you are so strong Asuka. You're strong because you chose to help billions even though you thought it meant your death. You're strong because you went back to a place you hated and faced your worst fear. You're strong because after all that you've gone through, you aren't bitter. And you did it, Asuka. You changed the future."

His words pierced her soul, and despite herself, tears fell from her eyes. He wiped them with his thumbs. "My only regret is that I couldn't help bear your burdens. I wish you hadn't had to go through all that alone."

"I wish the same for you," she whispered. "I know how miserable you were this past year."

He kissed her. His soft lips brushed against hers until she opened her mouth to him. He leaned over her, and Asuka could feel how he held himself back. How he wanted to press harder, and how he wanted to give her more.

He stopped without complaint to look at her again. "I was. But I meant what I said. I'd go through a worse hell to be with you. I love you."

Asuka lifted her hand and ran her fingers through the smoothness of his hair. "And I love you."

He closed his eyes under her ministrations and sighed.

A moment later he asked, "how are you feeling? Would you like to sleep more?"

"Something to eat sounds nice. I'd like to get up for a bit."

Kurama sat up and adjusted his clothing. Asuka did the same. Between their passionate kissing and night-long cuddling, they both looked rather disheveled. She looked over at him and laughter bubbled up out of her. He smiled and shook his head.

"Ready?" he asked as he stood. He offered her a hand.


When he pulled her upward, Asuka's legs gave way and she collapsed.

"Woah," Kurama said catching her. "Are you alright?"

"Just dizzy. I'll be fine."

Asuka knew Kurama didn't believe her, but she didn't care. She wanted to stretch her legs and she was eager to see Genkai and Yukina.

Doing her best to steady herself, Asuka exited their room and walked slowly down the hall. Kurama kept close to give support. She could just feel his left hand grazing her left hip.

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