Chapter 30: Coda (Or, a section of music indicating the end is approaching)

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"Kurama, what's got you so excited?" Asuka asked as they strolled down the street, hands clasped.

He smiled tenderly. "So you noticed. Well, my stepfather asked me to view a property that the company is going to keep for out-of-town executives to stay in while they visit. I thought it would be a fun way to spend the afternoon."

"Sounds like a lot of fun. I'm in."

Asuka didn't think it was possible to be happier than she was. Her body was still betraying her, but it seemed like the dizzy and weak spells were happening less frequently than before. Kurama came to spend time with her as often as he could, and she hoped going back to school would be in her near future.

"This neighborhood is lovely," Asuka said once they exited the subway station and began walking down the street. "It reminds me a bit of where I lived before everything happened. It feels quiet, but not remote. I like the vibe."

He squeezed her hand. "It does give off that feeling. I even saw a curry restaurant back there."

"Mmmm," Asuka said. "Curry."

Kurama laughed. Asuka loved the sound of his laugher. It was almost like a flower in bloom.

"We can get some after the tour, if you like."

"Will there be a landlord meeting us?"

"Not this time. My Stepfather already got the key for the viewing and gave it to me this morning."

Asuka looked around and enjoyed the sound of birds chirping. "I think this whole block is lined with Sakura trees. They should be blooming soon, right?"

"Yes, in just a couple of weeks."

She sighed wistfully.

Kurama stopped at a plain, white-washed concrete building. "I believe this is it. Shall we?"


The lobby was simple, but Asuka liked that. There was a little room to the side which contained the mail slots and a bench near the door. Toward the back of the lobby was the elevator.

When they stepped inside the lift Kurama pushed the button for the sixth floor, which was the top. He gently cupped her cheek, then kissed her. She melted into him as she felt his hand hook around her back.

The elevator dinged and they pulled apart. Asuka stared into his green eyes for a moment before she turned around and stepped into the hallway.

"Oh, look at this," Asuka said, "only two doors."

"This is ours," he said going to the left.

Kurama reached into his pocket and took out the key. His movements felt extra precise to her as he inserted it into the door and twisted the knob. He pushed it open, and revealed the inside.

"Oh wow!" Asuka exclaimed. "Kurama, this place is beautiful."

The floors were a wide-planked blonde wood that complimented the tall, open room. At the opposite end of the doors were three floor-to-ceiling windows that let in soft sunlight.

The main living area was shaped like a square so there was plenty of room for tables and couches and a TV. It was all empty now, but Asuka could easily see where everything would go.

They ventured further in and Asuka gasped. There was a steep staircase that lead upward to a little landing.

"Does this place have rooftop access?"

"I believe so," he said gently.

"Amazing! I bet the neighborhood would look so beautiful from up there. Maybe we can go see after we've viewed the rest of the place."

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