Chapter 02: A Due (Or, a musical direction meaning "for two")

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The next time Asuka woke up she found herself slumped in a chair and her neck craned awkwardly. Her shirt clung to a stickiness on her back and the air felt thick with the stench of blood. She forced her eyes open. There was a harsh light overhead reflecting in the white tiles that ran across the floor and halfway up the walls.

She was in a bathroom.

In front of her, eyes cut from gems stared intently. Their owner was graceful, poised, and ready to strike.

"You're finally awake."

She blinked and tried to focus on the moment instead of the questions looming over her. This was the man from the forest, and the man who carried her earlier. His white gi was soaked with red, caused by a wound from a fight earlier in the day.

Earlier in the day?

Pain shot through Asuka's temples, but it was different than the pain she received when looking at the old woman. This pain felt like her mind was trying to remember something she'd forgotten. When her eyes focused again, a few distinct pictures went from fuzzy to clear.

"...Kurama." She hadn't meant to say his name out loud. It came barely above a whisper, but the moment she saw his expression, she wished she hadn't.

"What do you know?" he asked while crossing his arms.

Blood ran down his right forearm and dripped onto the floor.

Asuka opened her mouth then closed it. Even in her hazy state, she knew Kurama would easily know if she were lying or withholding information. Fooling him would be impossible and telling the truth would agitate his mistrust. It was a lose-lose situation.

I've no choice.

She took a deep breath to steady her voice. "I know you were once the infamous Yokai thief, Yoko Kurama. On the brink of death, you slipped into the human world and merged with the fetus of a human, Minamino Shuichi. And," she hesitated, "I know you stole the Forlorn Hope to save your mother from dying. You're a human because you choose to be."

"You seem to know a lot." His words were careful, like a predator about swoop down for his prey.

"Not really," Asuka said meekly, unable to keep eye contact. "I may know...some details about your doings but, that is a small drop in the bucket of who you are. I wouldn't presume to know you, Kurama."

The silence permeated, forcing her to look back up. He was eyeing her thoughtfully.

"Fair," he said finally. "But you must admit it is unsettling that you've appeared out of nowhere with details about Genkai and myself."


Kurama nodded once and uncrossed his arms. "Genkai seems to believe you are important, and I agree your abilities could become problematic if anyone else here was privy to the information you possess. Allow me to tend to your injuries."

Asuka held up her hand. "You first. I think you're bleeding more than I am." She motioned to the expanse of red wicking through his gi.

Kurama looked down at himself, then back up at her. "Yes, well, this was an injury from earlier in the day. But thank you for allowing me to heal it first. If you are unware, we fight the day after tomorrow, and this...unexpected hiccup has impeded my healing somewhat. Every moment counts."

Asuka watched as he clenched his jaw, trying to unthread the small knots through the loops. Clearly he was in pain and in his condition, not dexterous enough to deal with how delicate the ties were. She was tempted to offer her help, but Kurama did not trust her. He would see it as threatening.

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