Chapter 17: Poco a Poco (Or, little by little)

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Despite knowing it was a bad idea, Asuka went back to school the next day. Both she and Kurama had been absent at the same time and as a result, rumors flew around Meiou about where they could have gone, and why. Asuka's classmates Riko and Yuna pestered her with questions the moment she entered class B. Asuka was in the mood for none of them. She was too sad and raw from yesterday.

I really should've stayed home.

Kenji noticed her sadness but didn't ask. Instead, he made sure to keep her talking during lunch and filled her in on what she missed at Music Club. "Ena was really impressed with the initial arrangement you made. That's what we're going to do for the competition. I told her you had more in mind for it, and she said for you to go ahead and write the arrangement however you want."

Asuka stared out the window. The sun seemed too cheery for the despair that was in her soul. Without Kurama to distract her, the grief and guilt were all she could think about. "That's great. I'm really excited for the competition."

She could feel Kenji staring at her.

The class representative moved up to the front of the room and cleared his throat. "Don't forget everyone, in just one week is the school festival. I've assigned everyone rotations for the Edo period café we're doing. Please don't forget to wear traditional clothes!"

The students cheered, and Asuka wanted to cry. Sure, everything would be back to normal, or mostly normal by then, but it didn't matter. She was so weary of it all.

"Asuka?" Kurama's gentle voice asked from the classroom doorway.

Riko squealed.

Asuka got up from her desk and met Kurama at the doorway, puzzled. This was the first time he'd ever come to her classroom looking for her.

"Do you have a moment?"

"I'm never too busy for you," she said, echoing his words from a few weeks ago.

He gave her a tender smile.

I love you.

The words came unbidden in her mind, but they only carried truth. She loved the man who stood before her. He who was part yokai and part human. He who was kind, and gentle, and mysterious. He who was powerful, logical, and beautiful. She loved all of him, more than she could ever express with words.

She'd done an excellent job keeping her feelings suppressed, but after everything that had happened, and especially after waking up in Kurama's arms, suppression became impossible. She couldn't escape the tidal wave.

Asuka wasn't sure she wanted to escape. But with the acknowledgement of love came a different ache. A vulnerability in heart and mind that was rather frightening. It was an acute thorn that had settled somewhere in her chest, and it made itself known to her in a near constant fashion.

Being near him only intensified everything she felt.

"Come with me?" he asked.

She nodded and they left class B.

"I hope I wasn't interrupting anything," he said as they walked down the hall.

"No, just some reminders about the school festival. We're doing an Edo period themed café. We're supposed to dress traditionally for it."

"Ah," Kurama said. "We also had some announcements in our class regarding that. We are doing a Victorian ball in the gym."

Asuka raised her eyebrows. "Was that Ena's idea?"

"You'd be correct."

"Live music?"


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