Chapter 29: Loop (Or, a section of music that can be repeated indefinitely)

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The bell rang, finally.

Kurama stood up and gathered his books, eager to leave school. Eager to see Asuka.

A small smile ran across his face when he thought of her. She'd be waiting in Kuwabara's living room for him as she always did. If he was lucky no one else would be home, and they could share a kiss.

"Excuse me, Shuichi?"

Kurama turned to see a girl standing behind him looking nervous.

He resisted the urge to sigh. This was going to be the third girl in the last month that wanted to ask him on a date. He wished it would become public knowledge that he was taken. And right now, in particular, he wasn't in the mood for a long drawn-out talk.

"Yes?" he asked politely.

"I was just...wondering. You don't seem to hang out with anyone at this school, so, so, I was just wondering if you wanted to grab some coffee after school with me today."

Well, at least this girl didn't ask to meet her somewhere private to have this conversation. He had to give her credit for that.

"That's very kind of you," he said gently, "But I'm in a serious relationship."

"o-oh!" she stammered. "You are?"

"I am."

It's very serious. I'm going to ask her to be my wife.

"Sorry about that," she said. "Well, have a good day."

Kurama stuck his hands in his pockets. "You too." He gave her a polite smile, then exited the classroom. It amused him to think of what his classmates would say when he showed up with a ring on his finger.

Thankfully, he only had a year and a few months of school left, and then he'd be done. He'd go work a real job in something he enjoyed and was good at. Asuka would probably need to go to college for her music, but that was just fine. He'd already agonized over their finances. Even if she didn't get a scholarship, the money she had from Sakyo would cover tuition. If she did get a scholarship, he would invest that money.

As for the the rest, the starting salary his stepfather promised was generous and it gave him a lot more leeway to do what he wanted. Asuka had always lived simply so she'd never complain about their living situation, but he had decided on getting a nice place for them. A place that would make her smile; where they could build their family and life together. Mortgages were cheaper than renting month-to-month if you had enough for a down payment. Thanks to his investments, he had that covered.

Going home to her every day sounded like bliss. Waking up next to her every day, even more so. He hadn't gotten the opportunity to sleep next to Asuka since she came back from Genkai's which frustrated him. They needed to live together, as soon as possible.

Outside the school, Kurama felt a low level yokai approach. He quickly walked down a block and turned into an alley to wait.

"Greetings Yoko Kurama," the low level yokai hissed from under a hood. "I have a message for you."

Kurama nodded. He'd been waiting for a response from Hiei for the past week.

"What is it?"

"He says the target has been located and to meet him within forty-eight hours."

"Good. Tell him I'll be there tomorrow evening."

The yokai slinked away without any further comment, and Kurama walked back out onto the main road. His steps were firm, and light. There was a lot to do, and he hoped he could convince Kuwabara to come with him to the Makai without telling him the exact reason.

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