Chapter 31: Prima Volta (Or literally, the first time)

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Note: As you've probably guessed by the title of this chapter, this is going to be explicit. If you're not wanting to read it, please feel free to skip! There's a little fluff at the end (naturally) but otherwise not much happens, except sex. That for sure happens :-P

They only had a few more weeks until their official wedding, and Kurama had already moved most of his things into the new apartment. They still hadn't managed to pick up everything they needed, but the once bare space was filling up nicely.

It was evening, and both Asuka and Kurama were quietly sitting on the couch reading. He was doing homework, and Asuka was catching up on what she needed to take the high school entrance exam. Hot mugs of half-drunk tea sat on the coffee table.

Asuka put down her book and forced herself into Kurama's lap. He carefully put a marker in his and set it on the coffee table. Kurama then swung his legs and body so he'd be laying lengthwise on the couch before he enfolded Asuka into his arms.

"Hi," he said softly.

It didn't matter how many times Kurama held her—having Asuka tucked into his chest brought him immense relief.

"Hi," she whispered. "I love you."

Asuka didn't give him a chance to respond. She pressed her lips to his in a slow, open-mouthed kiss. It was extremely sensual, full of tongue, and needy.

Kurama immediately reacted to her. His fingers threaded her hair and pushed it back behind her ear while his other hand curled around her back. He already had an erection, but that wasn't surprising.

He wanted her so badly. Sleeping next to her, waking up with her, and living with her were all blissful in their own ways. But they also exacerbated how hungry he was for the rest of her. It was the only thing they hadn't shared.

Kurama broke the kiss. He didn't think he could go much longer and still stop.

Asuka gave a choked cry and placed her head on his shoulder. She curled her fingers around the collar of his shirt and tugged at it in frustration.

"Kurama," she said in a strained voice. "I need you. All of you. Tonight."

The anguish in her voice reflected his own feelings. But now that she was directly asking for him, he couldn't help but worry. Would the strain of it all cause something awful to happen?

He swallowed. "Asuka, I...."

She pulled back and looked at him. She must've seen his concern because her wide purple eyes softened. "It's okay," she whispered. "I'm okay now."

"Are you sure? If you pass out or something happened to you, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself."

She placed a tender hand on his cheek. "I'm positive. I haven't had a dizzy spell in awhile. But I won't be okay if things continue like this for much longer. I know you feel the same."

Kurama did feel the same, but still—he'd almost lost Asuka, and the thought of hurting her during such a precious experience was enough to keep giving him pause.

"You can have me now. It's time, love."

Hearing her say that made him swallow. She was making it hard to say no.

"If you feel dizzy, or anything else seems weird to you, Asuka, tell me. I'll stop. I'm afraid this could set back your recovery, or worse."

"I promise," she said softly.

He closed his eyes as he attempted to shift his thinking. In the end, he had to trust the woman he loved. She'd always agreed with him when they stopped before. If she said she was okay, then it was okay.

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