Author's Note.

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Adrenaline has come to an end finally. I'm going to miss Chan the actor, Ve the assassin, Mars the smartass hacker, Earth the cutie cheesecake driver, Jupiter the 'I love dark' sniper, Neptune the handsome pointed nose pilot, Saturn the three much supplier, Uranus the cupid drama queen diver, Sun the little Army bomber, Mercury the not so mute paramedic, and for sure Pluto the boss who insisted on keeping secrets till the very end.

I hope you enjoyed reading this as I enjoyed writing. Sorry if this lacks a little since it was my first time writing something dynamic and action.

Thanks for whoever read and voted for this.

And as always, I won't take long till I come back with my next fan fiction. So, wait for it😘

Keep loving and supporting our kids and stay safe.

And since I always love to hear from my readers about their opinions in my books, I made a short survey to know more about you and what you think of my writings. You'll find the link in my bio. Waiting for your responses. ❤️❤️

Till we meet again,
Nefelibata ☁️

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