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I sighed and placed the phone back where it was originally inside the bag, zipped it closed again and dropped it to the chair just before I hear the doorknob twisting.

I turned around quickly to see Chan walking in, followed by the manager. He looked at me suspiciously, raising one eyebrow. "What are you doing there?" He asked squinting his eyes.

Thanks to my body that works faster than my brain, I had already grabbed two juice bottles from the table next to the chair where the bag was while turning around earlier. I moved the two bottles in my hand to the level of his face.

"Bringing you juice?" I said faking a smile.

"Wow! You are a fast learner, kid. He needed the juice." The manager said.

I smiled awkwardly. Chan walked to me, still suspecting but he snatched the bottle, opened it and lifted it to his lips, and drank the whole drink in one shot. He kicked his bag to the ground and sat down sighing angrily. I approached Mr. Kim.

"What happened?" I whispered.

"Lu broke her nail while they were repeating the scene and she made a fuss so, they stopped shooting."

"What the Fu-" My voice went higher, making the spoiled kid glare at me. I shut up at the look and shoved my eyes away. I didn't want to start another quarrel. I'm already tired, worn out and I didn't even sleep that much the night before! "Is that why he's angry?" I whispered again.

"He hates when there's a delay or shifting in schedules. He has a tight one already."

"It's her fault anyways! What kind of assassins would have those extra long red nails? What stylist has she got?" I said sarcastically.

"What do you know about stylists?" The spoiled kid asked looking at me.

"I don't know about them. But I know that her style doesn't fit the role! I guess her stylist watched a couple of old American movies before applying the cat woman style." I said, rolling my eyes.

"I guess the cat woman fits more than the black widow." The manager nudged me playfully and we both giggled.

"And you think that you know more than the stylist of a superstar like Lu?" He scoffed.

Well, I know better than the bitch cause guess what? I'm a damn assassin! Look at me, do I look like the cat woman?

I wish I could've told him that, but I guess I'll keep it for a few seconds before I skin him alive. That would be more fun. I sighed, trying my best not to say something that I'm not supposed to.

"I use my mind!" I shrugged but decided to make my point clear anyways. "She stopped the shooting because she had a broken nail. Do you think a killer would stop a mission cause she's got a broken nail? Do you think a killer would have the time to grow and care about her nails? Get them done and polished? A killer would get rid of whatever may, just may, interrupt her or blocks the way to the target. Killers count their missions in seconds and one second of delay would cost them their lives. I'm just saying that her look is not realistic. That's what I know. I mean... what I read in comic books."

He looked at me with a look that I couldn't get. He parted his lips to say something but stopped. I guess he was convinced by what I said but he didn't want to admit it. The manager raised a thumb at me, mouthing 'good job'. That made me feel the slightest of a victory over Chan.

The silence was broken by a knock on the door, then a staff member walked in saying that they were ready to resume. Chan stood up, adjusted his outfit, and walked to the set followed by the manager and me.

Adrenaline: No One To Trust. |Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now