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It was cold and wet.

My eyes were still heavy but I managed to open them. My body ached, especially my arms and shoulders. I felt my body swinging slowly. The dim light in the room was enough to show how dirty it was. There were no windows to be seen. Only one closed door.

The sound of water dripping from the broken rusty pipe was irritating. I was alone in this cold room. I could hardly look down my body to see that I was only in my undergarments, even my tracker necklace was nowhere to be found. Again, hardly, I looked up to find that my wrists were cuffed and those cuffs were tied to a thick chain hanging me to the ceiling.

My feet were a few inches away from the ground. Now it makes sense why my arms and shoulders felt like they were tearing apart. For how long have they had me hanged like that?

My vision was getting clearer little by little. I looked around again but no one was there. I was alone in that room.

I was alone.


Where is Chan?

I started swinging my heavy body forward and backward, trying to lift my legs up to the chain, so it would give my aching body some kind of support while I examine the lock of the cuff. But my body was heavier than I thought, still having the drug in my system so, my legs dropped back down, adding their weight to my shoulders and arms again.

I groaned out of pain. I kept trying and trying but with no luck. I didn't stop until my pain reached its maximum. I wasn't able to do anything except waiting silently while hearing those water drops wrecking my last nerves.

A few minutes later, I heard steps getting closer to the door then the door got unlocked, opened and the devil Kim walked in. I growled in anger once my eyes fell on him.

"Look who is finally up! Good morning, princess." He said in his devilish voice. I just couldn't understand how could a person have two completely opposite voices. It was like he had another him. He can't be the same person!

"Where is Chan?" I growled.

"Worried about your prince charming, huh?"

"Where the hell is he? What did you do to him?" I yelled, kicking my legs in the air but he was far to reach.

He pointed to some men that came in with him. They moved closer to me and trapped me to hold my body still. When he was sure I couldn't move, he walked closer. His hand grabbed my face vigorously and his fingers were almost digging through it.

"I just can't believe you managed to deceive me all that time. I'm the one who picked you stupidly from the applicants. I gave you a free fucking pass to his life!" He said squeezing my cheeks under his fingers.

"And I can't believe that I called you Mr. Angel when you were the devil himself."

"Me?" He pushed my face away and laughed out loud devilishly. "No, kid. I was protecting him. All those years I was protecting him as his dad asked. Did you really think that the Bang's only son and heir will be out there without an eye on him?"

"You were lying to him all those years? You worked for his dad?"

"Nothing worse than what you did! At least I didn't plan to kill him and his dad as you did."

Thinking that Chan said he trusts him with his life, made my blood boils! That was worse than what Pluto did to me. His dad sent him that man to act as his manager for all those years just to keep him under control. And the innocent Chan believed that the man was on his side and that he was protecting him from his dad.

My body did its thing of getting free from the two men holding me still. My legs bent to my chest together, before they spread again, kicking Mr. previously-Angel-Now-Fucking-Devil in the chest, shoving him to the opposing wall.

Adrenaline: No One To Trust. |Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now