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I pulled over in front of the huge mansion that is placed in a private forest away from the city. The mansion was just the type that makes you think it belongs to one of the wealthy well-known families, not that it belongs to assassins. The old man had a modern taste.

I took off my helmet, ruffled my very short red hair, and walked through the main door. The mansion was always quiet as no one lived there except for me, and the two men waiting for me in the meeting room. Oh! And our maid who is mute. She can hear but she can't talk. Some old tragedy of getting her tongue slit into halves.

I climbed the stairs to the meeting room, opened the door, and got greeted warmly. By a dagger! I dodged it and it went straight to the wooden door behind me.

"That was close!" I chimed. "Chill out, old man. I swear to God that you are ruining all your interior designs with that temper of yours!"

"A Damn bomb? Midday? In the city center?" The old man yelled.

"What should I do? I was trapped." I shrugged.

"You should've been quick! What the hell were you doing for almost one hour when you are trained to end it in less than two minutes?"

"I was having my time thinking. My angel wasn't there to tell me what to do."

"You mean your demon." Said the young boy.

"Whatever, smartass." I said moving to the seat between the two men. We were sitting at a large table that I have no idea why we needed it. In front of us was a large screen where the smartass can watch all the cameras he hacks and whatever he does on his laptop like any typical nerd. I sat down on the chair and the boy leaned towards me.

"You look shit, Venus." He whispered.

"At least I don't look nerd, Mars."

The old man was busy with his phone. I guess he was contacting someone to cover up the mess I made. That was his position. He's our boss, the one who gets us the jobs, introduces clients and targets, deals with the cash, covers up, and provides me with the needed equipment.

The boy next to me was the nerd of the group, he's a hacker. An excellent one to be honest. There is no system or cam around this whole country he can't log in. I remember once he hacked the system of a music show to make his favorite band wins a trophy. The smartass made them win the best performance to a song they never performed! That was stupid but cute.

And here I am, the one who gets to the field, the assassin of the group. If you wonder why, I don't know myself. I was like chosen and I don't feel bad about it now. I enjoy blood.

The old man locked his phone and placed it on the table. "Can we get to work?" The old man said.

"What work? I just came back from a mission and I almost got blown."

"By your own bomb." Mars added.

"Thank you, smartass." I snapped at him then looked at the old man. "I didn't even clean my wounds and they hurt like hell."

"You'll have time to do that later. Now to work." He said nodding to Mars who clicked some buttons on his laptop projecting a photo of a man on the screen, obviously the next target.

"Pluto, don't lie to me. Are we being left out in this industry? Is there someone new better than us?" I asked the old man, Pluto.

Yeah, we have planets' names. Did you think my name is really Venus? Or the smartass is really Mars?

I've been Venus for as long as I remember that I almost forgot my real name. Kidding. Who the hell forgets his own name? The point is, this is the only name I have now, and the same for the two men.

Adrenaline: No One To Trust. |Bang ChanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora