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"Dad. Please stop. Please. I'm begging you! I'll do whatever you want. I'll join you as you wish but please stop."

He was on his knees, rubbing his hands together, sobbing like a kid, pleading to his dad. But the old man's face was as hard as a rock.

"Too late, son. I gave you many chances before. It's too late now."

"Please, dad. Let her go, please. I swear to God she will never be around again but let her go."

"I warned you but you didn't listen. That's what happens when you don't listen. And don't worry, I'm making sure that she will never be around again." The man said snatching the gun his bodyguard was holding, aiming it towards me. "Any last words, kid?"

"I already said what I want. Oh! One more thing."

"Be quick, kid. We don't have the whole day."

"I hope you get sick in the bladder, that your sphincter doesn't work anymore and you start peeing uncontrollably that you pee like waterfalls everywhere and slip over your own bloody urine, smashing your ugly face to your luxurious marble toilet. FUCK YOU." I yelled, lifting my cuffed hands in the air, sending him a middle finger.

"What the!" The man said frowning in disgust and with that, a loud bang was heard.

I've never thought that death would be that easy. It's very calm and quiet. My mind is going peaceful for the first time in years. The world's sounds all went mute.

I'm in pain. Is it from the gunshot that is taking out my blood? Or are they my lungs that are gasping for oxygen?

I feel light. Is it because I'm dying? Or is it just the water that is surrounding me, lifting my body?

I've never dreamed of dying like normal people. I knew that I can't die like normal people. I'm a bad person after all. I'm the worst. I just wished that I would have another chance to make up for what I did. I wanted few more days with him. I wanted to see his smile, to feel his touch, to hear his voice. I wanted to apologize for lying, for dragging him into this. But I'm paying for what I did. I deserve this.

My eyes got heavy and my mind went blank. I guess this is my goodbye.


Few Months Before :

"Do you think that you would be able to walk away unharmed? You are dreaming, bitch!"

The man was trying his luck in threatening me. Of course, he would! He was tied to his bed's headboard in only his boxers after I kicked out the girl he was having for the night, or for the day since the sun was still up. His face was bruised and his head was dripping blood. I was wandering around his luxurious room all covered in gold and diamonds. I pulled my knife out and tried to pick a big fat ass diamond that was stalled to his doorknob.

"Why are you guys always obsessed with diamonds in the doorknob? You are not the first to have the same exact design! But let me be honest, this is the biggest ever." I said, finally succeeding in taking the diamond out. "I'll add this to my collection."

"My men will find you and wi-"

"Kill me?" I cut his words. "Yeah. Sure. I'm scared."

"Who the hell sent you? Are they the Bangs? The Parks?"

"You have a lot of enemies, don't you?" I said winking at him. "And again, I don't know! I'm an assassin who gets a target, ends it, receives the money, and goes back home to enjoy the hot mocha while watching Friends for the hundredth time. And oh, I steal the diamonds." I smiled innocently.

Adrenaline: No One To Trust. |Bang ChanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang