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"Fuck!" Mars yelled. "Mission abortion. Stop right now, Ve!"


"The Bangs are there."

"What the hell? Is Chan there?" I whispered.

"Is that what you are curious about right now?"


"No, he's not there. Why would he? It's just his dad and his men."

"Woah, that was close." I sighed in relief as I was afraid that he would be there.

"You really need to check your head!"

"Shut up so I can listen to what they are saying."

I pressed my ear to the small slit between the door and the door frame, closed my eyes, and activated the bat ears mode.

Shit! They were talking in English. I should've studied more English back in school. Even if my English is weak, I could easily understand that they were talking about Chan since his name was mentioned. What was the scary man planning along with the typical tattooed Chinese mafia man?

I didn't get a lot of what they were saying and I needed to proceed with my mission. "I guess I need to take the stairs up now." I Whispered.

"Ve, it's risky." Mars protested.

"They are busy with their chit-chat anyways. Tell me when it's clear and I would move."

"Can't you just stay still till the Bangs leave? Their men are all around the house. One mistake and you are doomed."

"We can't delay the mission. We may lose the Xio head and I want this to end as soon as possible. So, please do as I say and just inform me when it's clear outside the basement door so I could move."

I heard him sigh. He gave up. He knew how much I wanted to end this so he didn't argue more.

After about five minutes Mars told me that no one was watching where I was, so I opened the door. My head got out first to peek around then my body followed. Keeping my silent steps, I went upstairs without being heard or seen. To my luck, the stairs to the second floor weren't creaking as the basement stairs.

The second floor had no guards. The stupid boss of theirs placed all the guards around him on the first floor thinking that he was safe as long as he was shielded by them down there.

I walked down the corridor till I stopped in front of a specific door. I could locate his room easily. The one with a big fat ass diamond in the door knob. Is that a mafia fetish thing?

I walked into the room and sat down on one of his big comfy armchairs. I wanted to take this one home with me. It was damn big! You can just sleep in it without having your neck cramped.

Time was passing and I was getting bored while waiting for my target to get upstairs so I can kill him. Mars was yawning in my ears. The poor boy was getting bored too. That was disrespectful! It was written that he gets to bed by midnight after his shower. It's past midnight now and he still didn't get to his bathroom to have his shower.

"FINALLY. They are leaving, Ve." Mars said and I jumped to my feet, getting ready for work.

A few minutes later, I heard his footsteps behind the door. He opened it, walked in and slammed the door behind him then locked it.

Thanks for trapping yourself in, stupid.

I was standing in the corner, ready for him to turn around. And he did. He was startled, almost jumped in his place once his eyes landed on me but he tried to act cool. Interesting!

Adrenaline: No One To Trust. |Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now