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Venus's POV :



"Remind me to get you diapers on my way home."

"What? What diapers?"

"Believe me you'll need them cause you won't be able to walk to the toilet again when I smash the hell of your bones! Why the hell didn't anyone tell me that they have dogs?" I yelled-whispered through my earpiece as I was hanging on the wall surrounding the old abandoned factory. I was looking at the dogs that were all around the yard, having a peaceful tan in the bright sun.

"You used to kill people, snap necks, torture them alive but you can't deal with dogs?" He yelled in my ears.

"Because I can't do anything like that to them. They are innocent souls! SHIT! Not so innocent. That dog over there looks scary."

"For God's sake stop wasting time. I won't hold the cams for long, they would suspect it."

"Fine, smartass! I'm just going to try to pat them as I do to you!"

I jumped over the wall. One of the dogs saw me and started barking once my feet landed on the ground. The others got up to their feet, ignoring their tan time, and ran to me.

"Shit! Hahaha good boys, don't bite me I'm a cute assassin, oh, agent." I said, trying to pat their heads but they weren't friendly at all and barking loudly. I didn't have a choice.

I snapped their necks. One by one and fast enough to spare my thighs from being bitten. I was not risking another hole in my thigh. They are not dead. They are not. I hope so! I don't kill animals. I'm not a psychopath.

"Did you just snap their necks?" Smartass questioned.

"Do you have a better option?"

"No, and now you'd better run cause there is a move." He warned me.

"Shit! What about the puppies? They'll find them and know there is an intruder."

"Then you'd better move and finish this as quickly as possible. Gosh! Why are so stupid?" He yelled.

I wasn't the only stupid! They sent me on a mission in an open exposed place when the sun was burning brightly in the sky. I rolled my eyes and started running towards the building to hide behind one of the back walls, just before a man walks out towards the sleeping puppies.

His back was facing me so I easily snaked towards him and snapped his neck from behind. I might change my position on this team to a snapper! Hell, since I decided to stop killing, I couldn't do anything other than snapping and drugging.

The old factory building had only one floor and dungeons beneath it that looked like a maze and heaven knows where this maze ends. There was one door outside connecting the yard to the corridor of the dungeons directly. I guess the rest of the doors were located inside the building. I don't know, I didn't have time to study the blueprints properly.

I opened the door that the man walked out from and had a quick look. It was the door to the stairs down to the dungeons.

"What are you doing, my dear sister? You won't walk down there with at least a dozen of men when you refuse to use a gun, won't you?"

"Do they have windows down there?" I asked.

"According to the blueprint, no. Why?"

"Nothing, just thinking of something stupid." I said, pulling out a gas bomb from my jacket's pocket. I pulled its safety pin, dropped it downstairs, closed the door, and locked it quickly by tying the doorknob with a wire.

Adrenaline: No One To Trust. |Bang ChanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang