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Author's POV:

The couple walked into the mansion hand in hand. Luckily, it wasn't blown up as Venus expected. It was just as chaotic as whenever they all gather up. Soon, the dinner was ready and all planets were gathered around the big table.

"Can you explain why Ve was sent on a mission?" Chan asked Pluto in a manner that was close to interrogating him.

The boys' eyes moved from the angry young man to Pluto as the tension started to build up.

"It was a simple rescue mission and she was the best option." Pluto stated, not sparing a look at the angry Chan, and keeping his eyes on the food that he was chopping.

"Simple mission?" Chan growled. "Is that why she came back with a cut across her stomach?"

"I said it was a scratch!" Venus said, rolling her eyes, picking her food.

"It's not! It's a twelve-centimeter cut." Mercury interrupted.

"I really miss when you used to be mute." Venus glared at the woman who didn't know when to work her tongue and when to stop it.

"A what?" Chan gasped.

"Okay! It's a long scratch but not deep." Venus said.

"That doesn't make it a scratch, miss Venus."

"Why the fuss? It doesn't even hurt." Venus shrugged.

"The fuss is because you lied to me! Again!" He yelled, slamming his hand to the table, making the whole room jolt at his outrage.

With that, the boys, Pluto, and Mercury pulled out their earplugs and plugged them in, then continued eating their dinner peacefully, ignoring the quarreling couple.

"I didn't mean to lie! I just didn't want you to worry." She yelled back.

"If you didn't want me to worry, you should've given me a call to tell me you were going on a mission. And when you get hurt you should've told me so I would be by your side."

"You had an interview!"

"Screw the interview when my girlfriend is being hurt!"

"Like I'm the only one who is keeping secrets." She snorted.

"What does that suppose to mean?"

"When were you planning to tell me that you visited your mom's cemetery?"

Chan turned to Earth, glaring at him. "You told her?" Chan asked. Earth just looked confused as he didn't hear the conversation -thanks to his earplugs- and didn't know what Chan was asking.

"He didn't! I tracked you down." Venus yelled.

"When would you stop doing that?"

"When you stop receiving threats."

"If you are that worried, come back to be my assistant again then you'll be sticking to me twenty-four seven." Chan said, still yelling.

"First, I was never your assistant. I was Mr. Fucking-Devil-Pretended-To-Be-Angel manager's assistant. Second, I told you it won't be a good idea if I follow you to the sets and watch one of your love scenes, live. I'll start snapping necks and slitting throats. And that's why I sent the cutie cheesecake instead of me."

"Stop calling him cutie cheesecake. He's an adult!"

"He's a kid to me! All of you are kids." She huffed and tried to calm her shits. Tried. "And now back to the main point. You went to visit her alone?"

"What is wrong with that?" He snapped.

"You should've told me. So, I could've come with you. I know how it was hard on you. I should've been there for you! Just imagining how much you ached or cried, tears my heart apart." Venus said still yelling and frowning at him.

Adrenaline: No One To Trust. |Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now