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"What the hell is happening?"

"Isn't that obvious?"

"For God's sake, Ve!" Chan yelled.

"You are asking fucking stupid questions. We are being attacked!" I yelled back while crouching down behind the kitchen counter. We managed to reach it through the flying bullets all around us. "Please tell me that there is a place where you have hidden guns or any kind of weapons in this house." I said and looked at him waiting for an answer.

"If there is something like that, do you think I would know where it is?" He shot the ugly truth to my face while covering his ears to block the bullets sound.

"Why the hell are they firing that much? We are only two and hiding! Who are they firing at?"

We kept hiding behind the counter, covering our ears. Soon, the bullets stopped. I heard the front door open and steps echoing through the house. I moved my hand to cover Chan's lips as he was about to talk. I closed my eyes and activated my bat ears mode.

There were at least six different footsteps. It's not a big number but they were armed and I was-, well, I was hiding behind a kitchen counter with that scared big baby. I was not even wearing much to protect my body. It was only a big wide loose shirt reaching my mid-thigh and nothing else. Well, we were doomed.

"No blood. They are not here. You two look upstairs, you two check the backyard and you follow me." Said someone who strangely sounded familiar to me.

A few seconds passed and I could hear their steps going away. I sighed and Chan gasped for air as he stopped breathing earlier. "Now what?" He whispered.

"Now we take whatever could be used as weapons, as quietly as possible." I whispered back. Chan nodded and looked around. One of the cupboards was opened showing the utensils. Chan grabbed a frying pan. I rolled my eyes. "What are you? Rapunzel?" I yelled-whispered.

"What? I don't know what could be used as weapons."

"Knives, that gas torch and gasoline over there for example. Wait! Do we have alcohol?"

"Really, Ve? Are you drinking right now?"

"Can't you answer my question simply?"

"Yes, there is fucking alcohol in the cupboard."

"Fine. Grab the knives till I finish this. Don't make any noise or I'll have to snap your beautiful neck." I threatened, pointing at his face.

He rolled his eyes and I grabbed the gasoline that was placed under the sink along with some glass alcohol bottles. I ripped the hem of my shirt, opened one of the bottles, and soaked the cloth in it. I emptied the bottle's content in the sink and filled it with gasoline, placed half of the cloth inside it, and screwed the bottle's cap again.

"Are you making–"

"Yes, Molotov." I cut him.

His eyes widened "Ve, that's crazy. It could kill us!"

"Do you have any better option?" I asked. He didn't answer. "No! So, go on with the knives, Chan." I said and turned my body back to the bottles ready to make another one but stopped once Chan's trembling hands dropped the knives, sending an audible noise across the living room. I cursed and face palmed myself. Chan panicked and froze. His skin became white pale, paler than his usual white pale.

Soon I heard footsteps coming back into the living room. Someone was walking to the kitchen. Chan placed his two hands on his mouth. I mouthed him 'close your eyes' while I pulled one of the knives.

"Peek a poo." A man said leaning to the kitchen counter. He was standing just on top of us. I lifted my head up to be faced with his ugly smiling face.

I smiled back at him. "Hello, ugly!" I said and in a fraction of seconds, the knife in my hand was piercing through his eyeball and as always that wasn't a good idea.

Adrenaline: No One To Trust. |Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now