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Venus's POV:

When was my body on my side? Let me think .. mmm. NEVER!

I was about to lash out at him for teasing me, but my stomach dared to growl! That stupid handsome cute sexy spoiled kid would tease me for hundred years about that.

He was over there, cooking for my hungry belly and I just sat on the kitchen stool, thinking how could he be that perfect. He is handsome, sexy, cute, successful, rich, healthy, young, kind, and respectful and he can cook damn delicious food! He's a whole package.

"Can you stop staring like that, Ve? You are distracting me. I'm gonna cut my fingers." He said, bringing me back from my daydreaming about him.

I looked at how his beautiful fingers were holding a knife dangerously, chopping some carrots. "Dare to cut your fingers and I swear I'll snap your neck." I threatened.

"Is that supposed to be romantic?" He asked me with a confused look.

"Yes! I guess. It isn't?"

"Hell no, Ve! That's a threat." He yelled.

"Don't yell at me!" I yelled back. "I don't know those things. I had only one boyfriend who didn't last for a few months. I'm a loser when it comes to romance and stuff. I'm a grown-up woman who was close to her first kiss at the age of twenty fo-"

FUCK! I exposed myself!

"Wait, wait, wait!" Chan dropped whatever was in his hands and turned to face me. The kitchen bar was the only thing separating us. "What do you mean by 'close to your first kiss'? You mean earlier? That was going to be your first kiss?" He smirked.

"Don't fucking smirk!"

"Don't fucking change the subject. Simple question, yes or no?"

I was trapped.

"Yes! So what?" I yelled, trying not to show how embarrassed I was.

"Come on, how is that possible? Not even Jinyoung?"

"If you don't believe me, ask your dear friend." I said rolling my eyes. I jumped off the stool and walked up to the sofa. I heard him laughing out loud behind me. He was having his quality time teasing me.

"It's not that I don't believe you. But honestly, it's hard to believe that a girl like you didn't date properly before." He said, walking to where I was standing, still giggling.

"What 'a girl like you' is supposed to mean?" I stopped in my track and turned around to face him. I crossed my arms to my chest while cocking my brows.

He stood opposing me, then swiftly, encircled my waist with his two arms. "Beautiful, hot, funny, kind, protective, stupid that sometimes I question if you need to check your brain." He said in a low flirty tone, still keeping his smirking face.

"Yeah, my brother says the same whenever he sees my face." I rolled my eyes remembering the smartass words.

"He says you are hot?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"Not that! The brain check thing."

He smiled. His hand moved to my hair to tuck some strands and sort them. "Honestly, what were you doing with your life for the past twenty-four years?"

Mmm, killing people, slitting throats, snapping necks, putting bullets in the heads, setting fires to buildings, and more.

"Working!" I said.

"Well, I'm glad that you were busy to date so I could have a chance with you." He said leaning closer. "And since I was your 'almost first kiss', I guess I'll be your first everything." He added then pecked my cheek softly, that it was almost brushing his lips against my skin. He pulled away, winked at me, and walked back to the kitchen, leaving me flustered with flushed cheeks. "Set the table, Ve. The food is almost ready." He yelled from the kitchen.

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