Strangers to Friends (Ruby Gillis)

Start from the beginning

"I still think she hates me," Jane said and I took my eyes away from my paper to look at her. She was sat on my bed, never mind the other one unoccupied, as she worked on her homework. I raised my eyebrow in question at what she meant and then it clicked. "I think she might have heard me talking bad about her."

"I think she deserved it, she needed to be humbled. Besides I always hear her talking bad about everyone," I said with a roll of my eyes. This seemed to pique her interest as she put aside her work. Sitting up she took my hands in hers and nodded as a sign for me to continue. "We get it she's top of the class and not to mention pretty."

I was getting off-topic and I had hoped Jane didn't catch on. She was oblivious to it as she agreed.

"But that doesn't give her an excuse to be so mean. The other day, in the bathroom, I heard her say Hannah was stupid." I didn't want to go into detail, but that summarized the conversation I had overheard. Just omitting some other vulgar words.

"It's such a shame her personality is flawed." Otherwise, I might think better of her, I thought. Who was I kidding? I let my thoughts wander without consequence. And she was at the front of my mind. "Have you tried holding a conversation with her?"

I shook my head because as much as I wanted to her confidence scared me. Nevertheless her foul mouth. But she was nice to look at.

I heard the door opening and Tillie walked in disrupting my train of thought. "Sorry I'm late I ran into Abigail."

"Speak of the devil," Jane said with a laugh it only confused Tillie as she took a seat by the window and made herself comfortable. It seemed like everyone had forgotten the spare bed.

"We were just talking about her."


Everywhere I would turn I would see Abigail. Ever since my conversation with Jane. I couldn't escape her. Along with her, I would see Ruby around. Her head dug up in a book. It was a strange sight but I walked toward her as I saw Abigail walking down the hall. I didn't want to encounter her.

"Long time no see Ruby." She brought her eyes up to look at me and smiled. Closing the book I could tell the effects it had on her. In the form of the eye bags under her eyes and her tangled hair. "Are you alright?"

"I haven't been sleeping." I could tell as much. But I wasn't about to say anything.

"Do you want to study with me sometime? We haven't hung out in a while." A smile made its way to her lips again and she nodded. I looked away from her and to Abigail. I gulped nervously as she caught me staring and I dismissed myself from Ruby. "How about tomorrow after school?"

"That would be nice." I smiled at her before walking away. Walking past Abigail. I could only wish I didn't care that she was looking.


The library was a nice place to study. Besides my bedroom, I liked the change in setting. I was waiting for Ruby to appear so when I heard footsteps approach the table I had assumed it was her. "You're Y/n right?"

I simply nodded sure enough that if I spoke no words would come out. She took a seat across from me placing her things down.

"I was wondering if you could help me with the homework for English." I was surprised to hear her say that. Considering she had been doing well in that subject. My mouth gaped open and I could see Ruby from behind her shoulder staring at our interaction. Which only reminded me to speak.

"I'm kind of busy right now I'm studying with a friend."

"Some other time then?" She didn't wait to hear an answer as she stood up and left. That was all for Ruby to walk over to me. She furrowed her eyebrows questioning me about what had just happened. I could only shrug my shoulders.

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