Chapter 4: Out of Here

Start from the beginning

Thank goodness, I needed a nice bath. 

"You should stay and spend the night. In the morning you can leave." Julian gave me a small smile. I deliberated. Take a bath now. Be well rested. My whole body ached. Why not? 

As we walked down a ghost tent town, Julian led me to a tent.  As he entered, he put up both his hands. "Lorraine, my hero, she's all yours."

An older women, with her hair gathered in a long braid gave Julian an unamused expression. A look passed between the two- one that I hope wasn't a "are we going to kill her" look.

When she turned to me, she turned on a smile. "Freya, isn't it? It's nice to have you. We usually never have guests over, so you'll have to excuse me."

"I'll be next door, so when you're done, I'll get Cal." Julian left the tent, and I stood there awkwardly by the entrance.

Lorraine rifled through a bag, handing me a small hotel sized shampoo and body wash. "This is the only clothes I have that might fit you..." she handed me a towel and a dress too. Looking down, she also gave me a pair of slippers. "Julian said Callum will take you to the lake."

I paused. Uhhh............."Lake?"

"Where we go to take our baths," Lorraine nodded like it was completely normal.

Did I think it couldn't get worse? Because it definitely could get worse.


Lorraine told me next door was where Julian and Callum was. She had to be somewhere- sketchy if you ask me- but I smiled and nodded, hoping I didn't get killed at any moment.

Remembering I didn't have my magic in case anything happened.

As I walked out of Lorraine's tent and towards Julian's, I over hear Callum's distinct deep- ahem, annoying- voice say, "There's nothing remarkable about her."

I opened my mouth, knowing this rude jerk was talking about me. I wanted to spring in there and attack him, but I have a mature streak going on. And Julian and Lorraine have been so nice.

I clench my teeth. Straighten my back. Internally growl. 

"Ready?" Julian asked when he spotted me.

"Yes," I answered. Ready to go take a bath at a lake. Something I have never done in my entire life. Someone like me would never. But here I am. Life is funny like that sometimes.

I think it hasn't even been a full day yet either, and I feel like I aged ten years.

Callum walked out the tent with a lantern, and I supposed I had to follow him, so I gave Julian a wave and hurried alongside him.

"Is this where you kill me?" I joked. I think you're not supposed to actually say that line when you really think you're going to die. If I did die here, I might as well laugh than cry. 

Something rustled in the nearby bushes. I yelped, accidentally clutching Callum's biceps. Okay hello he really did work out. Whatever. I've seen muscles before in my life.

The thing that rustled in the bush came out.

It was a little squirrel.

"Well. How about that. Dinner," Callum deadpanned.

"Tell me you're joking," I gulped. I thought myself to be pretty open minded about eating things, but there is just no way that I'm going to eat vermin. Ever. I'd rather starve.

Callum moved forward, releasing my death grip on him.  "Don't kill him!" I exclaimed.

"You actually believed we at squirrels. What kind of people do you think we are?" Callum shook his head. "Don't answer that. I don't care. The sooner you shower the sooner we can get rid of you."

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