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one year later

'I have almost only happy memories from my childhood, warm summer days filled with love and light and the certainty that everything, even the darkest clouds would eventually pass. And for a while, at least, they did.'

From her office, where Brady owned a beautiful view of New York, she looked through all sorts of applications and, after the last folder, stood up. That's all there were? Extremely hard to believe.

As it turned out, there were more, but the woman at the reception had already sorted out some of them, because the CVs of these applicants contained things that served as exclusion criteria for her. Serious bodily injury, bodily injury with fatal consequences or similar, further offences. Shaking her head, Brady held out her hand because she still wanted the folders, and finally told the woman that she wanted to talk to those very applicants before she rejected any of them.


"Do I want to know how you did this?" asked Will, circling his finger in the air as he looked around Brady's office after being ushered in by a woman.

"You don't ask a question you'd rather not have the answer to," because it might make you wish you'd never asked, so Brady leaned back in her chair, panting, and angled her right arm, "I was with Joyce. Instead of the seven million dollars worth of KSI stock he owed Attinger for the seed, because after all, we had done the job and he was in possession of it, I 'only' wanted the seven million. The shares are worth more and I would end up with more, but what good are shares if I have plans. He gave me ten. Welcome to Warfare. Sicario Section."

"Um... Wow," it escaped Will with a snort, who had sat down in the chair across from Brady's desk and rested his forearms on his thighs, as this, was clearly more than what he had believed when he learned she was now CEO, "That's...."

".... been to be expected? It's not a surprise Will. I'm not a good person, which was obvious to everyone at the latest from the time I learned what Cemetery Wind was really doing and didn't care," Otherwise Brady would have quit or not done what she did. "And before you ask how it's going. I'm six hundred thousand in the red. Building a company is more work than I thought. We're a private sector security company with no credentials. You're hardly here for a job."

"Not really," at this Will took a small glass bottle from his pocket that had been filled halfway with sand and placed it on the table in front of Brady, "You know that Sicario is the Spanish word for....."

".... hit man? Yes, but I like the word, the movie and our people are mercenaries," so it fits, but at the sight of the vial Brady began to grin and tilted it to the side as she turned it, "Do I get the chest with the heart of Davy Jones too?"

"You would have it by now," and right there, life interrupted Will, "If you get it, there will just be another one in it. The only question is, do you want it Swann?"

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