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Enter in five, four, three, two....

'Sir," without letting on, Brady entered her supervisor's office and stopped half a meter away from the desk, "There were three Decepticons in the power plant. The big one only served as a distraction so that the two little ones, could quietly make sure that our Cemetery Wind Team had no technical support. Nevertheless, they were not the most intelligent. Their real target, was our database, but, they had not been prepared for it, when everything is turned off, it is also not possible to access it. No one died."

"Good," Attinger replied, causing Brady to put on a forced smile and nod weakly, because this was moment where she usually left, "Anything else you want to tell me?"

"I gave Mister Joyce my opinion," lying or making up an excuse wouldn't have done Brady any good anyway, since she didn't see the point of it, "Which he didn't particularly like, I suppose, or he wouldn't have called you. Do you want me to clear my desk now or at the end of the day?"

"Why did you do it?" in front of his face Attinger interlocked his fingers and looked at Brady tensely, "It was a little more than that, because Joyce said it resembled a threat and that's not your way. Do you regret it or would you do it again?"

"I took it personally, which I shouldn't have. You're supposed to separate professional and personal, which I didn't do at this point. The call in connection with a certain event should have led to that," simply putting, if Joyce had not called, about the seed, or the operation had gone as thought, Brady would not have said anything, "Whether such an incident, will happen again? It can happen. It is not only up to me alone, but also up to my counterpart. According to that, I don't regret it either it seems, and could definitely happen again. I am someone who is not capable of keeping my mouth shut, no matter how appropriate it would be. By tonight, you'll have a new assistant."

"If Savoy were standing here in your place, he would only say one thing. I don't care," it was the nice version of what her uncle would say in Brady's place, so, handed Attinger a stack of papers, "You'll be gone in three weeks."

"It's been a pleasure sir," with that, Brady took her last assignment and glanced in the doorway, a first glance at the top page where she stopped, "Um.... I... don't understand. What is it?"

"The next few years of your life," Attinger explained, but Brady frowned and looked from the logo on the page to her boss, "In three weeks, training begins, of the new recruits and you are one of them. At the end, you will see if you can find a place with the 'Directorate of Operations' or 'Directorate of Analysis' for six months. One of them will suit you, because you are not cut out for field operations. That's it. You can go."

What, what had just happened? Just that, Brady tried to understand on the way to her office. For three weeks, she was still working in Chicago as an assistant, then she wasn't, because she had a place, to train as an agent. That's what it sounded like. Why, though? A punishment looked different. Presumably it was a penalty and three weeks, she would determine why it was one. Was it even possible to talk about her being fired at this point?

Tomorrow, maybe, quite possibly it would be the day after tomorrow that Brady knew what had happened, because right now, it was too much all at once. This entire day had been too much.


The one thing Brady should have done long ago was to find out about all the Autobots and Decepticons on Earth. Known ones mind you, because, after all, if you didn't know about them, you couldn't know about them. To their amazement, the list of names was shorter than expected and the associated folders, thinner than any other that belonged to the Transformers.

The first thing Brady did was skim the list of Decepticons, which was as much use to her as a grocery list in Russian, so she immediately crumpled it up and threw it in the trash. To list only names, for whom would that be helpful, please? Google or Yahoo or Wikipedia. Was she any of those? No, so away with it. The file of the Decepticons, on the other hand, was much more informative, because there was a complete profile of the respective Transformers. From name, over kind of the transformation, affiliation, first sighting, since when actually on earth, crimes up to all known and not confirmed whereabouts. With that, she was able to work.

Constantly repeating 'black car', 'police car', 'patrol car', Brady hastily turned the pages, just skimmed over the one important line and was about to turn the page but there it was. If only she'd started at the front, like you do with a book, and not at the back. Black Saleen. Bingo.

Transformation: Car. Manufacturer: Ford Mustang. Model: Saleen. Color: black. Features: 'to punish and enslave' on both sides of the side panel. Additional information: Camouflage as a police car. Name: Barricade.

What a clever thing this Barricade was. It was a free ride. Just about anywhere the Decepticon would get in or through with this camouflage. On the one hand it was clever, on the other it was scary.

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