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There have been many rumors, but one that has grown stronger and stronger and is only a matter of time, was that the government was going to create another unit that would be used to capture both Decepticons and Autobots. The first plans as well as drafts are said to already exist, confirmed of it, however, was still purely nothing. So, as it was always the case. Perhaps the announcement, the foundation, the new and still nameless organization belonged to the today's meeting, so that the speculating and from the reporting, unconfirmed or wrong facts, finally took its end.

"Hey, isn't that that girl you know?", with his shoulder Epps bumped Will's and then with a nod pointed to the center block where a brunette woman sat, her elbow resting on the armrest, propping her chin with the backs of her fingers as she looked boredly ahead, "What's she doing here?"

"Go ask her," Will opined, glancing merely fleetingly over at Brady, then back at the desk, where he subsequently rested his forearms on his thighs, leaned forward, and rubbed hands together, "You still have time."

"You still have time," Epps improved on his brother, which only caused Will to give him a sober look, "You guys know each other. So what's the problem with you going over to her place for a minute to say hi?"

"You don't date Brady," it was the real reason Epps sent him to Brady's and not so Will could say hi to her, which caused his buddy to look at him uncomprehendingly, "She doesn't like dates. Nobody knows what she likes. It's always been that way."

Why does it always have to come down to dating when two people have known each other longer and understand each other? Can't two people just be friends without immediately one of them being interested in a relationship? Being in a relationship was work and complicated now and then. Normal people already have problems with that. What was Will supposed to say then? As a soldier, it was yet again, a whole different act and challenge. Complicated and not always easy, was not an expression for it.


Nice, courteous and always friendly, that's how William knew Brady, no matter what whim possessed. Which didn't mean that brunette couldn't be snarky or possessed a rather matter-of-fact manner, so he had assumed that one day she would go to the newspaper or start working as a reporter on television. Yet here she was, standing with all the suits, not looking out of place. Quite the opposite.

Some things would change for the people, one of the ministers had assured them, if it really came to a renewed threat by the Transformers. Of the new task force nothing was said, nevertheless, had been herauszuhören that there will be then, one and this, would make no prisoners.

"Sexy, but not intimidating. Affable, but not easy to get around. Lovely, but not boring. Smart, but not superior," Will heard the familiar voice of Brady say, and that to a man who obviously must have said something wrong, either to her, to another woman, or in general, "Isn't that what you men want in a woman? Yes, the perfect woman to be seen with everywhere, or rather, to show off everywhere."

"So a robot," Will added to that, making Brady turn a corner and walk towards him, "You, here? Seems a little wrong to me. What congressman are you working for..... OH FUCK. You work for the CIA? How did you get there?"

"Wow, apparently people really don't think much of me and don't trust me to work for the government. Good to know," Brady replied nodding knowingly, running her tongue over the inside of her cheek, but just as Will was about to say something, she shook her head smiling, "No, it's fine. Don't worry. The right people, at the right time. That's all. Yes, me at the CIA. Who would have thought it, and least of all me. Yet here I stand."

"I can see that," Will replied now smiling himself and looked past Brady for a moment before looking back at her "I have a question for you...."

"No," Brady beat him to it without sounding like a rebuff, though she had no way of knowing what she would be asked, and smiled at Will, "I'm not your Elizabeth you're looking for."

"What?" it escaped Will, not understanding Brady's words in any way, "Why Elizabeth?"

"You'll figure it out," but just to be sure, Brady added one more thing to that, "I'm sure of it Will."

And there she was. The Brady that Will had known for ages and since, barely changed.

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