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After the conflict in Hong Kong, more and more Transformers began to visit the home of the people. The vast majority of Earth's governments agreed that the destruction had already taken place in the past, and that all Transformers should be considered illegal. To this end, they funded the Transformers Reaction Force to kill or otherwise capture the Transformers.

In the following year, the TRF launched several operations to kill their alien targets, although in some cases, they captured and imprisoned one or two Decepticons. Soon enough, the found out that a human sympathizer, Cade Yeager, had helped several Autobot escapees go into hiding. A warrant was issued for his arrest. Moreover, the TRF was forbidden to operate in Cuba, as it was the only nation that disagreed with the other governments of the world and instead granted asylum to some Autobots.

Two thousand twenty-two. The world as we once knew it pretty much no longer exists. Not for a long time. Over the years, more and more Autobots and Decepticons fell to Earth and caused enormous damage. Some parts of the city, or even entire cities, were sealed off and were no longer accessible to residents. A strict ban was posted and who violated it, came to prison.

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