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What was Brady actually thinking about? Everybody dies sometime. It was quite normal. One sooner, the other later. It was her own fault, she could only say at this point, because she could have stayed in the control center from the beginning, where nothing at all could happen to her. At most, that an asteroid flies from the sky or a Transfomer, which lands in this building.

'Lennox, your team has to wait and see. Our fighters are being shot out of the sky.'

Not without reason, there was this message, but for Will this was the sign that it had to start now and not later, because there was no later. He didn't think much of waiting.

Then came the climax, where Brady was about to get a headache, because of enormous brainlessness. A little girl had smuggled herself on board with her little robot in tow. Of all the people who had no business being here, like Yaeger, Viviane or herself, this child had even less than no business being here. Are people getting stupider and stupider from generation to generation?

'Six birds leave the nest. All Ospreys, approaching target. Approach on target.'

"Hold on," Will yelled as the flight began, the plane rocking from left to right to avoid the struts, and fire opened on them, "The fighters must be deflecting the enemy ships."

This flight was bumpier and got more violent by the second, bordering, not even close, on the dive, from a few hours ago. Any roller coaster ride was a joke compared to their flight. Whoever got through this flight could ride any roller coaster in the world without any problems. The only question was whether he would still want to do it?

To the not particularly pleasant flight, a deafening noise was added, which was strengthened by the fact that the hangar was open. For this reason, before it could be seen, one could hear an Osprey being shot down overhead, and a few seconds later, through the open cargo hatch, witness the gray plane crashing.

It was nice to see their landing zone appear before them, a parched green expanse; but, they were still in the air, could be taken out of the sky at any moment, and there had not yet been talk, of any kind, of landing.

Flying over the hills, their plane had hit the ground with its belly, causing their flight to become one more bumpy and heading straight for the ground. The crash landing was thus inevitable.

There was no time to catch their breath or realize what had just happened. As soon as they hit the ground and the plane came to a halt, they went outside, where the shooting stopped, not even for a split second.

They were attacked not only by enemy spaceships, but also by Megatron, who had new allies. Nice creatures, which were a lot more resistant than the Transformers, which were otherwise known.

Behind a severed metal plate that belonged to one of the Osprey; Brady took cover, took a bullet from one, of her side pants pockets, pulled the pin, and peered over the metal before reaching out with her arm wide and throwing the hand grenade with all her might.

'Air support's not getting through.'

The only thing that could help them couldn't because the fighters weren't getting anywhere near them.

"Advance to the crater," Brady just got it, who had only now managed to get to Will, Yaeger, and the rest of the team, "Forward, go."

Even before, Brady had not been able to understand how there could be people who voluntarily went to war and at this moment, she understood it even less. Nothing in this world, nothing at all, would make her go through such an action again. Once and never again. Even on the 'experience' she would have loved to be able to do without.

"We're not getting anywhere," Yaeger didn't need to say this specifically, otherwise they would have moved on by now, "Where's Optimus?"

"He supposedly didn't make it," with which Will didn't waste time, but relayed their status, "The big gun is on us. They have us in their sights. Target approach negative. We can't advance. We have no chance, Generally. We're not advancing."

'Team Lennox, we're pulling you out. Mission is over. Mark target with lasers. Then you have orders to withdraw.'

"Roger that. Receiving recording," over Santos's shoulder, Brady looked at a small screen, a web of bullets which had been marked, "I see it. We've got a new target. Three o'clock there."

"Lock lasers on new target for approaching fighters," Will relayed the order, "They want to bring the whole thing down on us."

This change of plans didn't seem to please everyone, like Yaeger, who didn't want to give up on Optimus, although it wasn't certain if he was dead or alive. If they stayed here, though, they would die. Get ready to jump.

'Attack ready to go. Approach target.'

The marking started at the edge of the floating earth plate, where they were right on the edge of the abyss, ready to jump.

'Laser marking confirmed. Mark on target confirmed. Silver Arrows firing. Missiles fired.'

It was the signal to jump.

"Hey, come on. We've got to get down here," but Brady merely stared down the chasm, oblivious to Will's words, "Hey!"

"Nope. No," Brady directly refused, whereupon Will grabbed her by both arms, turning her to face him, but she merely pointed into the depths, "Last time I was, way up there, someone died. Never again....."

"Listen," Will began quietly, looking past her to the sky and back to her, "Oh shit.... Generally, the chamber still seems to be transferring energy. I don't think it worked..... So, listen to me. It doesn't take three minutes to fall. Don't think, just jump, okay?"

Not okay. Not okay at all. Still, Brady had no choice.

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