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If Brady had to sum up her trip to New York in one word, it would be revealing. She didn't want to be in the shoes of the government, of all the MPs, ministers and civil servants. Not by any stretch of the imagination. The pressure that numerous government leaders were under, thanks to the Transformers events, was enormous and voluntarily no one wanted to change places with them. Every step, every decision was going to be directly evaluated by the population and if it went wrong, the outcry was great.

"Sir," with phone to his ear, Brady opened the door to the fully equipped operations room and got just three steps away, "I have...."

"What's on, everybody out....." Attinger irritably interrupted Brady before he knew, because he hadn't turned around, who had come in, ".... not to understand?"

"I'm sorry sir," immediately Brady backed up to the door, raised a hand apologetically and pulled the corners of her mouth completely down because, only this could happen to her again, "I'm sorry. I didn't know that....."

"Come in, close the door and sit down. Didn't you get the memo?" it looked like no, and Attinger started shaking his head because it couldn't be true and when he noticed Brady was still standing and holding the microphone of her phone closed, he nodded to her, "Who is it?"

"Mister Joyce is on the phone," who was also not in a good mood, though better than the CIA official, but Brady thought it was already enough, "He's asking about 'The Seed'. And I'm going to assume that this is, nothing botanical, biological."

"We're working on it," which Brady knew her boss was starting to get annoyed with the subject, as he'd probably been asked about it too many times and was getting tired of hearing it, "He'll get it when he gets it. Tell him that."

Only in kind. A fight between KSI and CIA was the last thing either party wanted, or even anyone wanted.


'They want to know what Cemetery Wind is. This, is Cemetery Wind.'

Yes, Call of Duty was a joke compared to this. On one monitor was a terrain under infrared; on the next, data that Brady didn't have the slightest idea what the numbers and letters meant; then there was a real-time feed of the area; photos taken from a satellite; and of course, radio transmissions to the strike team. In addition, there were several dozen monitors for computers, which also displayed something.

Arrival in a few minutes, a voice informed them, and Brady looked from a map on which a dot was flashing to a monitor showing footage of a flying drone. Welcome to the twenty-first century, because Big Brother is watching you.

A convoy consisting of five black SUVs was driving down a lonely, soulless desert road, heading straight, as it looked on the satellite map, toward a decommissioned power plant. According to one of the screens, the plant had not been in operation since 1997 and the following year, then completely shut down. Not a bad hiding place, on the other hand, a little too easy. Of course, if there was Transformers activity nearby, that would be the first place to look.

Six more drones took to the air after the convoy came to a halt, four of which circled over the area and two of which began to explore the interior of the power plant. The single drone that had been tracking the motorcade for several kilometers served to monitor the entire perimeter.

The heat signatures indicated no other life form in the building, except for rats, and as for smaller vermin, like insects, they weren't even detected. Was also not necessary, because the sole purpose was to locate 'Decepticons'.

"It's a trap.", too late, because no sooner had the thought crossed her lips than the first shots were fired, and Brady's gaze wandered in panic, from screen to screen.

For a brief moment it became glaringly bright, something big must have been fired; wild roars of orders and shots from pistols and machine guns could be heard. There was no sign of the attacker. Within seconds, all the screens went black, the image began to flicker or showed 'no signal'. A few seconds later, everything went silent. All radio communication was gone.

From now on, the Cemetery Wind Team was on its own. Completely.

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