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Of course, the spaceship hovering in the sky above the rooftops of Chicago did not go unnoticed, and the fear of that time that people felt five years ago came back in one fell swoop. For whom wouldn't it bring back bad memories?

Soon the Chief of Staff came forward because thanks to Lockdown's ship, there was a huge commotion in the White House. It's not an attack, the chief of staff should tell the president, and that was the end of it for Attinger.

"Savoy. Reporting execution," still there was no reason for Attinger to be relieved, because something could still come up, "Lockdown has Prime. Now the deal is on."

"We're flying to the rendezvous point, picking up the seed." confirmed James, who had long since been in a helicopter with a couple of his men, also circling overhead, waiting for this message.

"You CIA guys are really crafty. What a clever move. I'm sure no one noticed anything. In a few minutes, this place is going to be crawling with federal agents, and I don't want them finding our holy grail. We're shipping the R&D department to China," it was heard over the speakerphone of Brady's phone, as Attinger was about to tell Joyce that the company boss was about to receive the seed, "I want you to bring me the seed but bring it to me in China."

"You're kidding me now, right?" asked Brady, stunned, after the call ended and she tucked her hands under her arms, "Yeah, it went to shit but, but, what do we have to do with it if he's going to pis..... to China? off? What's the problem with taking the seeds to China ourselves? After all, he wanted them too. They're packing them now, which should take a while, and in that time, we've taken them to him ten times."

That may be all, but this was not about Joyce alone, but also about the three of them. It was safer if they took the seeds to China themselves than if the KSI boss did it, because you never knew if his cargo would be inspected.


Small change of plans Attinger told James and that he should come to the landing site with the seed to take it to China. At this point, one might guess how it stood around James mood, if Brady was already, not particularly enthusiastic about the upcoming flight. Enthusiasm looked and sounded different.

Seventeen hours, if everything went smoothly, was the flying time from Chicago to Beijing. A dream. Nothing against flying, Brady had no problem with that. It was much more the time that she had a problem with. Sitting on a plane for hours on end was not hers, whether it was a private flight or a scheduled flight.

"What did Lockdown say again?", Brady turned to her uncle as soon as the plane was in the air and looked at him with a furrowed brow, "I hope you're ready or something, was that."

"Be careful with it. I hope your species is ready. Goodbye, Earth," James repeated Lockdown's last words and sat down as his niece became frantic, "Why?"

"I need a tablet or a laptop," hastily Brady looked around but James pulled the tablet from Attinger's fingers and handed it to her as there didn't seem to be anything else, "What was that woman saying about Transformium again? What was it....? It's got to be.... somewhere."

It wasn't particularly nice, Brady just had to admit that, but one thing wouldn't let her rest and only KSI possessed the answers to her questions. In this day and age, nothing was safe, especially when it was online. Getting onto the Kinetic Solutions Incorporated server took a little while, and again as long to access the entire server. From then on, things moved pretty quickly and the records of Darcy's expeditions, including the photos and notes she had been looking for, were found within ten minutes.

"Transformium," Brady announced, turning the tablet over to the two men standing on their knees with a photo on the display, "Handle it with care. I hope your species is ready. 'Goodbye, Earth.' Why do you think he said that? In his eyes, we will be the new dinosaurs, merely wiping ourselves out, with the seed. When we've delivered that thing, we'll get out of here right away. So-so. However that thing works, I want to be hundreds of miles away from it when it starts doing whatever. Deliver it and be gone. Got it?"

The announcement was unexpected, but Attinger said nothing, though it was clear that it was directed at him, not James. For the reason that it went to Beijing because of him and not because James or Brady insisted on this trip.

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