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What a day and this was far from over. Not for another seven hours. It's hard to believe how quickly and easily you could get yourself fired. Looking back, Brady hadn't even been rude to Mister Joyce, merely direct. One thing that many people consider rude because it wasn't normal, not anymore, was people saying what they were thinking and straight out.

One fine day that would be your undoing, her mother had often said, Brady had never believed it. As it looked, however, the day he was always prophesied to her, had come today. Luckily, her mom wasn't around to witness it or to tell her, I told you so. Not, that kind of luck, because it would be nice if her parents were still alive, but this way, neither of them get to see her lose something good, like this job, merely because she couldn't help it.

"Miss Swann," a good humored voice rang out as Brady passed the parked cars that were in front of the CIA building, through which she, after a few steps stopped and turned around annoyed, "Woah. What happened to you?"

"Nothing much. I'm just about to lose my job," began Brady, full of displeasure, who didn't feel like having any conversation, and didn't even really look at Will, although she was looking at him, who never expected this mood from her, "And then I got pulled over by a patrol car, too."

"Okay," Will countered, feeling a wee bit overwhelmed and not knowing what to say in response because it came as a surprise without making it worse, "Who said you'd lose your job? And besides, a traffic stop can happen to anyone."

"It was a fucking Decepticon that pulled me over!" almost yelled Brady, leaving Will at his car because she didn't want to be late to receive her resignation.

As if Brady didn't know himself that a police stop was usually, usually, nothing bad. Unless you were a mobster, drug dealer, or had just killed someone and were in the process of transporting the body. But even then, you would have to act like a complete idiot for the cop to get suspicious and because of your behavior, want to check the car.

"Hey..... Brady.... heyhey," repeated Will, who had rushed after Brady for this news and was holding her by the arm in the entryway, "Why Decepticon? What Decepticon?"

"I don't know, how should I know?", it would probably have been beneficial to read the list, Brady thought another time, because from the sounds of it, there wasn't just one Decepticon in the form of a police car, "In the rear view mirror, I saw the sirens; then the request for me to pull over, but instead of an officer getting out, the car stopped right next to me, but there was no one inside. The car asked me where Lord Megatron was and when I told him he was dead, I thought he was going to kill me. So please, just let it go. I have to go."

It had been quite enough that Brady hadn't understood, although it would have been obvious to anyone long ago as soon as the window of the patrol car was down and no one was seen sitting inside. There is no such thing as a car without a driver. Well, currently it was being worked on and test vehicles, there were now and then on the streets, but not by the police. In addition, the department for which she worked was the one responsible for Transformers. Actually, it was good that Attinger would fire her in a few minutes, because what had happened to her could not be told to anyone. Plus the fact that she had taken a few more seconds after the Decepticon had asked about Megatron. Most would wonder if she was limited or something like that. Which wouldn't blame them, because in this case, she'd be thinking the same thing.

"Will," Brady called out, coming back to the entrance from the elevators that were around the corner, where Will merely turned around slowly, since he hadn't come to get her mood off, "I'm.... sorry. Okay? This day was getting worse by the hour. And basically, my day was already over by eleven. What can I do for you?"

"I was just wondering what time you get off work tomorrow," the next moment after the words left Will's mouth he narrowed his eyes at having put his foot squarely in his mouth, "We could also go out for a drink tonight if you want or want to talk. Sometimes it helps, at least a little."

"Nice of you but no," no matter how many times Will would ask, Brady's answer would always be the same, "Do women actually go for that puppy dog look? When was the last time a woman said no when you asked her out? Let me guess. Not at all yet."

"I don't ask often. It's the job," quite understandable, yet Will asked, which summed up for Brady , "It's not supposed to be a date either Brady, just a nice evening. Friends do get together."

"Then I'm honored you asked me, nevertheless it remains a no," whether Brady should actually believe that excuse is simply a moot point, "One day on land, ten years at sea. Don't waste your day Mister Turner. I wish you well."

Don't get yourself killed, Brady preferred not to say at this point, because it might have been a little macabre. But hey, she'd learned and hadn't said what she most wanted to say. Small steps. In very small steps, in her case, comes improvement.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ Warfare [Transformers]✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora