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There was one phrase Brady hadn't heard in years, and now, of all times, it was said to her. No sooner had Brady gotten into the wetsuit than one of the Seals came up to her and, saying just in case, handed her a rifle.

"Are you okay?" asked Will, because Brady had lost all expression on her face and was staring at the ground, "Brady?"

"No," Brady gave weakly, looking down at the gun in her hands, "The last person who said to me, just in case, I watched die. Are some bad memories that come up with that. Very Evil.... by the way. I haven't even said congratulations yet. Happy wedding."

"Not yet," Will said, trying to smile, "We're merely engaged, thanks anyway."

Life went on, after all. It would be much sadder if it didn't. Four years is a long time.


The journey into the unknown, or as Jule Verne would call it, 'Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea'. Brady couldn't describe it any other way.

However, it was likely to end up like Deep Blue Sea or Underwater. Not good.

"And off we go to the center of the earth," the Nautilus ride began with that, which is why Brady walked forward to the disc and placed a hand on the metal above her head, "In twenty thousand leagues under the sea."

Here's to a smooth and safe voyage. That was all anyone could hope for.


It had taken a few hours for a huge alien spaceship to appear in front of them, which must have been there forever, down here on the ocean floor. With what looked like more than a hundred years. Several hundred years much rather.

And although, it should not be at all, the crashed ship was illuminated. Lights were burning everywhere, illuminating the seabed.

Between all the metal bars, after some time, the submarine had been visible, with which Yaeger had made off. The coincidence would have been enormous at this point if it were anyone else, like a couple of treasure divers for example.

"Oh shit," it escaped Will as the sub disappeared into an opening and the door closed directly, "The door just locked. Let's try through the tubes. This is V Two, stand by. Mission control as we go in. We're going to lose radio contact."

It wasn't long before the quiet dive turned into a roller coaster ride because of an unexpected current in the tunnel they were entering.

Dying underwater was something Brady had never thought about, because she had never been diving or been out at sea in a big way.

At this point it should also be mentioned how 'helpful' those metal arms were that were on her submarine. Against the walls they banged nevertheless, although the arms should prevent that. Only and alone had been reliance on the current.

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