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As it turned out, no Decepticons, plural, had been after Yaeger, but a Decepticon, singular, namely Barricade. The rest had been police and TRF. As for Megatron and Nitro Zeus, they were gone.

At the beginning Brady had said, because this man from the military, wanted to have a constant look at the Decepticons, one should rather keep an eye on the flying Transformers and not on the ones on the ground. Now two, not exactly harmless Decepticons, were somewhere in the UK. To make matters worse, Megatron had regained his ambition, which had not been the case in recent years, and therefore it had been quite quiet around the leader.

Also, if Yaeger was once again able to escape, they could be told where he fled to, namely the National Maritime Museum, the largest museum of maritime history in the world.

In quite interesting destination, because Brady had not suspected that Yaeger would be interested in history.

"The museum submarine blew the mooring," the Navy commander reported to them in response to Will's inquiry about how the submarine was blown.

"It's a transformer." explained Santos, who was in radio contact with one of the teams.

"Can the day get any better?", of course, Brady's head answered directly, since it could always, go a lot worse, "What's next? Vampires or the Loch Ness monster? Why did I have to complain about everything being quiet, too, anyway?"

'Commander, surface movement positive. Identifier is five two zero five.'

"The sub is heading out to sea toward our carriers," the commander told them on a nautical chart.

"We've got to cut him off and try to stop them by any means necessary." when Will said by any means necessary, it meant, to Brady's understanding, that a torpedo would go perfectly clear and there would be nothing wrong with it.

"Contact Fleet," the commander instructed Will, however, seeing another option, "Our subs are rendezvousing at this choke point."

"We need seal teams in deep submarines," and already Brady could get on board with Will's idea, "We need to go after them."

And just like that, it was over again.


"Hey," before heading off into the depths, Santos came back to Brady, who was looking at two maps of the ocean floor and matching them both up, "You coming?"

"I don't think so," Brady replied with a smile, shaking her head dismissively as she looked up at Santos, "It's not really mine."

"Suit up," Will intervened, tossing Brady a suit on the table, "Your mood is unbearable and it's not one anyone should have to deal with. It's best for all concerned if you're in a bad mood downstairs and not up here, because the guys we'll be downstairs with can handle it better. Because it's likely you're going to get into it with the wrong person up here. Two minutes."

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ Warfare [Transformers]✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora