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Although the change of plan to switch to drones looked quite promising at first, it ended up in Yaeger escaping with the help of a metal man reminiscent of the 'Bicentennial Man'.

Whose mood was probably the better one? Brady's or Megatron's?

At least this had been a ghost town, because, some things had been destroyed. If this had been a busy city, there would have been a few deaths. One dead, one in particular, would have been perfectly fine at least if Brady had his way.

Before the military told them that the Decepticon were on their way to England to pursue Yaeger, Brady's had long since received that communication from Barricade and so, inwardly, was able to brace himself for a long flight.

After a six-hour flight over the North Atlantic in a Black Hawk helicopter, the trip ended on a ship belonging to the Navy, the U.S. Fifth Fleet, off the coast of England.

Full they were not yet, as a lieutenant told them upon arrival, because the U.S. military was also sending people who were at the moment, still en route.

"Do they really think we're going to wait for them to finally arrive?" asked Brady, chuckling, glancing at her phone and following up by slapping Santos against the shoulder with the back of her hand, "Tell a team to get ready to go ashore and let the local police know."

Particularly careful or inconspicuous, Yaeger had not been, because at that moment the man, was in an old country estate, much more it was a castle belonging to one Sir Edmund Burton.

'TRF. Surround the castle and lock it down.'

From now on, it was wait and watch.

"What's the problem with putting a bullet in him?" groaning, Brady looked down at the monitors, which were on the bridge, where Santos and some Navy officers were also right now, "One bullet. One, single bullet. That's all it takes."

"You really hate that guy, can it be?", Brady would love to start laughing thanks to Santos' question, but, there was nothing to laugh about, "What he did to you?"

"It's not of interest," Brady fought it off directly, even though Santos should have heard, and looked over at the monitor, with the satellite recording, "Da.... there. They've picked up that we're coming. Where are our people? Where are they?"

"They'll be arriving any second," the confidence Santos possessed Brady would like to have as well, "The compound is on lockdown. They have no way to escape."

That was a very good joke, because that's exactly what, was also claimed yesterday. And lo and behold, where were they all? In England, where they wouldn't be if Yaeger hadn't escaped. So much for 'no way to escape'.

"Helicopter, you are cleared to land," a man next to Brady spoke into a radio.

Rather late, Brady would say, Will and his men arrived. Well, better than never.

Nevertheless, exactly what Brady had doubted before had happened, namely that Yaeger would be caught. However he might succeed, with a compound surrounded, the guy had escaped and currently, could not be located.

"This is Santos. Team Leader USA," Santos called in when the helicopter finally reported back, "Go ahead."

"TRF air unit is en route." the helicopter replied, which wasn't much.

"What was that again....," Brady began, giving Santos a scowl just as Will entered the bridge, ".... no way to escape, so yeah? Fuck you. Now all we can do is hope the Decepticons get them."

"All good?" he had to be kidding, Brady thought at Will's question, turning his head to him with an unnerved look on his face, "Someone must have had a bad flight."

"I'm just, just surrounded by morons," Brady barked at Will because, how could it be otherwise, that Yaeger escaped a second time, "That's all. More. Don't."

"Good to know," but to Santo's comment, Brady was already not responding at all.

For two minutes it looked as if the British TRF would be able to arrest Yaeger in an apartment building, but, how could it be otherwise, he managed to escape a second time. The third time already and the second, within an hour.

And, it became a fourth time, because also the Decepticons had not been able to stop Yaeger. It had been chaos in London's streets, what the Decepticons were doing there. At all costs, they were Decepticons.

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