Long Way To Go...

Start from the beginning

Although that's when Hikari turned in the direction of his voice, noticing his presence before opening her mouth.

And Hawks expected her to call out for help or scream at him to save her.

So wasn't he surprised when she only smirked, like nothing was wrong in the slightest, her voice light and unbothered by the villain that was currently crushing her head.

"Ah, good morning Hawks. Oh, did you bring coffee?

Widening his eyes in pure confusion, the bird couldn't help but pause at the strange reaction before all of the murder starting to drain from his eyes.

Why didn't she seem concerned right now?

She was in trouble, right?


Finally realizing the position she was in, the girl only turned her eyes up to the villain before his mocking returned as his boot pushed further into her skill. "Ah would you look at that, the hero is here to save the day. What are you going to do now? You gonna give up?"

Twisting her lips into a frown, that girl remained silent before Hawks took a serious step forward. What are you doing, don't just stand there. Get your head out of your ass and do something already! She needs you!

"What are you doing!? Get off of her..!"

Dabi only seemed to scoff though, placing a hand to his chest as he batted his eyes in pure fake emotion. "Of course that's what you say. I'll have you know, I wasn't the one that started this, our little Princess decided to attack me first. I'm the innocent one here.."

Although Hawks couldn't hardly believe that was true, turning to look at his sister as she rolled her eyes. "Yeah right, innocent my ass!! You're the one that wants to start something by saying you were sick of looking at my shitty wings!"

The villain could only see the challenge in her statement though, leaning forward before letting his lips curve into a sadistic smirk. "If you really didn't like it then how about you stop laying around being lazy and make me take it back."

Pushing her lips together, Hikari narrowed her eyes, venom lining the corners ever so slightly. "Go ahead, say that again and see what happens.."

Sensing the escalation of the situation, Hawks felt himself finally blink back to life before taking a step forward in anxiety. He didn't know what the hell was happening but this looked really bad. "Ah, wait wait, hold on. Let's just calm down and..."

Although Dabi completely ignored him, his eyes fixed only on Hikari as he mocked her extremely slow, stopping after every word in order to intentionally flare up her anger.

"Go ahead then, make me take it back.."

Seeing that the villain made his choice, Hawks was barely able to process what happened next.

Quick as lighting, five sharpened feathers sprang out of her pocket before barreling towards Dabi as the villain only chuckled at her approach, already allowing his fingers to erupt in blue flames.

Cremating the feathers in his direction, the feathery objects withered away into nothing as the villain couldn't help but throw up a cocky grin, knowing her attempt had failed.

Although because he was distracted with the feathers, Hikari had enough time to release a smaller one from the other direction, grabbing onto his jacket before the villain could process it and yanking him a millimeter backwards.

It wasn't much, but it was enough for the girl to quickly gain the upper hand, grabbing onto his leg and moving it so that she could roll away from being held captive.

Sister Mine (Dabi X OC)Where stories live. Discover now