He knew she would come to beach to make herself feel better and he knows she wouldn't share this with him now .

It's like he is her twin always who knows what she exactly thinks and does . This always improved their relationship .

Now he hugged her tight and made her cry out everything , then asked her what happened to which she said everything in detail with what she felt too .

He understood what happened , he knows they two aren't communicating well these days due to work pressure and something was missing between them both but he thought it would go away but didn't expect this to be happening .

He always have been a protective brother , he teases her to hell but no way in hell he let others to hurt her or even make her sad .

He has always been the one whom she will run off to if she has any problems either health or mental health problems .

And he is like her personal doctor who knows what works for her and what not and he is the only person who can instantly change moods .

He can make her cry within seconds with his ignorance and he can make her laugh like maniac by his witty words .

He is the "IDEAL Brother" whom everyone wishes to have , who protects us , who stands with us , who fights with us but never leaves , who sees us pain as his pain and our success as his success . He was , is , and always will be the Ideal brother and favourite brother to her .

According to him , she is everything he carved for being a single child in birth ( already I told you guys they weren't blood related but heart related siblings ❤️ ) , he wished and hoped only happinesss in her life and even if something bad happens he swore to himself to make her happy .

And true to his words he did that . For him she showed all the affection all the gestures which a blooded sibling would have given him and he was far more happy to have her in his life .

She always stood by his side , motivated him a lot and made him do things which he wished for secretly .

Their cute banters were always adored by everyone around them and as much as their banters their love towards each was admired more .

And now when he saw her crying and hurting herself he couldn't hold back his tears and few left his eyes and she instantly regretted making him cry . She stopped crying and started apologizing to him in a cute way .

He was happy she stopped crying and both started bickering which nade her forget what she was doing back .

They both then stopped bickering and she looked at him and her eyes welled up once again this time due to the pure love he shown to her .

She looked into his eyes and said "Thank you being my guardian angel !" . He just smiled a bit and pulled her into a hug and caressed her hair .

She then calmed down . He then explained everything and made her understand it's just a mere misunderstanding and lack of communication .

The love these both share has no words to describe ever .  It's something pure and magical and nobody could replace that part for them .

She didn't need a lecture to understand what was going on she just needed a shoulder to rely on and he always proved that he will always be there for her .

He knew she needed to vent out and made her do it which made her heart light .

"I'll buy you panipuri on way home , now can we leave stupid it's already late due to your stupid mind!" He commented to which he rolled her eyes and chuckled loudly saying panipuri . She thanked God for sending him into her life ❤️ !

He truly is her guardian angel
He is her brother !
He is her second father !
He is the first man she will share anything and everything without the fear of getting judged !
He is her bestest frnd !
He is her go to place when she needed peace of mind !

He is totally the complete package of her "Happinesss" .



Hey readers ,

Hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter and I hope I didn't bore you guys !
It's my spl one bday so this chapter is pure dedication to him ! ❤️💯🙌 All the thing abt understanding and everything is abt him but he is my bestfriend and everything not brother .

I'll update the next part tomorrow or maybe today depending on my mood ! 😂

I know my story is not getting viewes and liked , I've never bothered about it cause I never wanted those . I only wanted ppl to love my chapter and get connected to my characters !

But sometimes I wish I could set target votes but I now it will never get reached

And my bestfriend always wanted this story to continue no matter what ! And I love him for that !

Please let me know if you guys find this story boring or draggy or anything ! I just need to know what you guys think about this chapter and also I have a thought to do a Q&A session of my characters and me !

What's your thought about it !

Until next chap
~ TS ❤️

After edit: i became so sappy 😂 but it's worth it , cuz this chap is written for the love of my life . And all the stuff abt understanding and all is abt him . Except the part were it's mentioned brother we can take it as bestfrnd or soulmate .

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