"Good. Keep it up. And Pyeha has met with Primer Woo tomorrow. You should keep eye on him. He tried to send a spy here last time. We can't let that happen again." Ho-pil said closing the file.

"Yes, captain." The guard said again.

After checking few more things he left the room.

The secret room and special unit was a His Highness Jo Yeong's idea. Yeong wanted to make a special unit with trusted people to tight security of the Royal Palace and King. The idea was brought in during his recovery after a night of the coup. Yeong doesn't want to experience anything similar to what happened in the past timeline, where Lee Lim secretly brought people to the palace to spy. But Yeong never thought his security plan will include himself as well. And Yeong had a hard time finding people he wants. But he finally succeeds in creating a team, with great IT knowledge. Including detectives, hackers, and so on.

So the mastermind behind the primer Woo's plan is none other than his crush, His Highness Jo Yeong.


Lee gon knows his people deserve to know that they are getting new royal members. But after thinking a lot, he decides they should announce the news after Yeong's first trimester. And his husband didn't oppose the idea. So Yeong finished his major duties during the three months and take a rest. His doctors told him he shouldn't tier his body like before due to having a lot of injuries in past.

Now Yeong is in his 21 weeks, almost six months. But they still haven't announced the news. They succeed in making people believe Yeong is fine and only taking rest due to his recovering. They even posted few photos of younger with his siblings and king. (Yeong hides his baby bump in baggy clothes well) but now they can't do it anymore, two months gone and people will start to suspect.

"Pyeha." Lady Noh enters the king's study.

"Aaa! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" king shout rubbing his chest, startled. Lady Noh rolled her eyes.

"I knocked few times before I came." She replied.

"You are the only woman who disrespects me," King said looking at the older woman, but she ignores him.

"Pyeha, why did you call this old lady to your office? I have so many works to do." Lady Noh asks.

"Oh, that. I am sorry I know you are busy because of Yeong. But this is also about him." He said gesturing to sit on the couch, taking a seat as well.

"Okay. What is it Pyeha?" she asks taking a seat on the couch.

"If we announced Yeong's pregnancy, nothing will happen right?" Lee Gon asks, looking at her with eyes, which hold many emotions.

"Pyeha, he is away from the dangerous time period. He is in his second trimester now, and if we didn't announce it now, people going to suspect his ability as queen. I know you are scared something will happen to him and babies but don't worry nothing will happen to him, we all are here for them." she replied taking lee Gon's hands to her wrinkled one, patting them.

"You sure?" King asks again.

"100% sure. I will look after him all the time, and we have Ms. Myung, In-Young, and his parents too. So don't worry." Lady Noh said again.

"What if people start to hate him because he hides that he is gifted one? And he was our Captain. You saw how some people called he is weak, just because he is tired from working" Lee gon questioned.

Lady Noh sighs looking at the King.

"I can't believe your intelligent brain can't see this. Do people call women in forces weak? No, right? And even not every woman gets to be a mother. And male pregnancies are rare, so we should be glad he can be a powerful man and a mother same time. Because of him, you didn't worry about your life, he had been your best friend for almost your life. And now because of him, you are becoming a father. People will see how capable their Queen is, in every way. So don't think much and share the news with people. They waited long to hear this news. Have some mercy of them Pyeha," Lady Noh finished patting his shoulder before standing up.

"I should go Pyeha, Mama asks me to make some cookies. I think they should be ready now."

"Cookies?" Gon asks curiously, he really can't understand Yeong's carvings.

"Yeah, those cookies you had when you younger? He wants to eat them. It seems like your children also going to have the same taste you and mama, Pyeha." She replied with a smile, making the king smiles with memories of their meeting.


"What?" Primer Woo shouts, shocked after seen the picture and caption on the Royal News page.

There is an HD picture of His Highness Jo Yeong sitting on a bench surround by various flower plants full of flowers, with a big baby blue sweater and black pants. His hands are resting on his big baby bump. And their King, Lee Gon is kneeling with one leg, in front of him, kissing baby bump, he is holding Yeong's one hand while the other one rests on younger's thigh. Yeong is smiling looking at the king. The picture is so beautiful, the same goes for the two royals in the picture.

'King Lee Gon and His Highness Jo Yeong are expecting new family members.'

That was the caption.

The article clearly said that the queen in his second trimester, and the royal couple apologies for not announcing the news early. And the people are reacting to the news more excitedly like they knew this will happen. Also, everyone is commenting how their King is whipped for Queen.

"This is why they reject my visiting?" Primer Woo mutters. He was still shocked by the news. He was shocked after reading that his crush was going to marry their King. He didn't know Jo Yeong swayed that way. And now, this? This is like clod water splash to him, that he shouldn't think anything about his highness Jo Yeong. That he should accept his defeat.

Primer Woo sighs, before calling his secretary to send a congratulatory message to the Royal couple.


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