"Woah! What Wrong!?", "Are You Ok?" , "What Do We Do?" All these things they were saying gave me a head ache and i just wanted to be alone .

"Shutup! Just Shutup!" I Yelled as i got up like i was perfectly fine but i really was in the worst pain ever . I got up and ran inside to the bathroom still clenching my side . I shut the door and locked it as i sat down on the floor . I pulled up my shirt and saw a bubble in my sjin filled with blood . It was kind of like a blood blister but it was way worse . I heard the boys run in and talking in the living room . I got up slowly and walked down stairs scared as could be . 

"Guys!" I screamed as if i was getting stabbed . They all looked over at me with there eyes wide open . I lifted up my shirt and showed them . 

 "Eww! " Niall screamed as he dug his face in Louis shoulder .  Harry ran up to me and picked me up and ran to to the tour bus . He sat me on the couch and all the boys ran in after us . Harry walked in the front and told the driver something as he hoped in the seat and started to drive . Liam sat next to me and his belt buckle hit me in the side .

"LIAM!" I squeled as he looked at me and scooted over . 

"What?" He asked nervously .

"Nothing ." I said as tears just came bursting out of my eyes . Niall game over and got down on his nees and grabbed my hand . I looked over at him and he had the most pitiful face . I smiled and giggled as it was killing me to do anything . I sat there falling asleep , getting use to the pain . We arrived at the place where they wanted to take me and Zayn picked me up very carefully . Harry opened the door and let me and Zayn out first . I looked around and saw that i was at the hospital . I freaked out . I hated hospitals . 

"No . Please dont take me here!" I yelled as they hesatated . 

"We have too ." Zayn said as we walked in . I closed my eyes and wouldnt open them . I heard The boys all talk to the front desk lady as Zayn took me over to a bed . He laid me down and stood next to me holding my hand . Doctors came walking down the isle as they grabbed ahold on to the side of the bed i was on .

"Sir , You will have to wait in the waiting room ." One of them said to Zayn as the other boys were walking to me .

"No! I Have to have atleast one of them in there with me !" I yelled as i started to get up but failed .

"Im Sorry . You Cant ." The doctor said walking me back to a room . I had to have one of them with me . I was so afraid of hospitals i cried just for being in there . 

'' Harry!!" I screamed as loud as i could . The doctors looked down at me and 'Shh' me , They brought me into a room and shut the door . I screamed even louder than before . I wouldnt stop until one of the boys were in with me . 

"Stop screaming please ." The doctor told me .

"Im not gonna stop until one of them are in with me!" I yelled at them with the meanest attitude i could have pulled on a doctor . 

"Go Get the oldest one ." One of the doctors told a nurse . The nurse walked out of the door as The doctor started to put an I.V in my arm . I closed my eyes and when i opened them  I saw Niall walking throught the door as he spotted me . He ran over to me and sat on the chair next to my bed and grabbed my hand . 

"Your not the oldest ." I whispered .

"I Know . I wanted to be with my Cousin ." He smiled as he kissed my hand .

"Ok So Whats goin on?" The doctor asked . I COuldnt move my arm with the I.V and Niall hand my hother Hand so i couldnt show them . NIall looked at me ,trying to figure out what to say , and lifted my shirt up as i rolled over to my side it was on . The doctor gasped and turned around .  I looked at Niall and started to cry , hard . 

"Its going to be Ok." He said tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear and whiping my tears away . The doctor came back over with a pointy thing and somethign that looked like claws .

"What are those!?" I yelled as they sat the tools on a little table and sat next to me . The doctor didnt answer me and picked up the pointy thing and pulled a mask over her mouth . She put a towel next to my sore and got closer with it . with the pointy tool .

"What are you doing!?" I yelled as i squermed around as Niall sqeezed my hand tighter .

"Theyre gonna pop it to get it cleaned ." Niall said as The doctor put the tool on my 'blister' . She pressed down hard on it moving it down to cut it open . That was more pain than the pain i got when i got this . I screamed and Niall dug his head in my arm as he started to sing to me .

'Youll Never Love Yourself Half First Much As I Love You  Youll Never Treat Yourself Right Darlin' But I Want You To . If I Let You Know Im Here For You Maybe Youll Love Yourself Like I Love You .' He started to sing his part in Little Things . I Didnt bother worrying about the whole doctor thing . When he started to sing , i got trapped in his voice .

"Ok . We Are All Done .'' The doctor said as she got up to clean the tools . I Looked over at my side and it was all bloody but stitched up . 

''What happened?'' I asked as i sat in without as much pain as i did before . 

"You Had a peice of your bone displaced." She said cleaning her tools . I Looked at Niall and smiled weakly . 

"At least it over ." He said getting up and walking torwards the door . The doctor came back over with banages and wrap .

"Please stand up ." She ordered as i weakly stood up . She held out a hand like she knew what was going to happen . My side gave out on me after what they did to me . I grabbed on to the nurses arm as she wrapped a white bandage over it . She signaled Niall over as he walked over and took me from her. 

"Your good to go . Just watch out with taking showers . If you have any more pain we insist you to come back to see what it is . " The doctor said as she handed Niall a clip board to give to the front desk . He helped we walked over to the door as he stoped and just picked me up bridal-style . He walked out of my room and down the hall . I wrapped my arm around the back of his neck as the poeple siiting in the waiting room got bigger and bigger as we got closer to them . Harry stood up vidiously as he walked over to me . 

"She cant walk ." Nialls rusty voice said softly . Harry reahced under his arms taking me from the small like frail boy that could barly carry me . I was so jacked up with meds. that i fell asleep when we got in the car and we headed back home .

You Are My Summer Love . (Part 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon