Cancer .

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Chapter Nineteen <3

"Yea Ok . We will be over when she gets up . '' I heard Zayn talkin throught the phone as i woke up . I propped myself up on my elbows as i got a little sharp pain from my cut .

"Harry!" Zayn shouted walking torwards him in fear .


"When Taylor got blood drawn , they found something bad . Like some type of cancer ." He told Harry as i watched Harry's Expression on his face . He walked over to me and stoped in front of me dragging me out of bed and rushing me back to the hospital . We checked in and they gave us a room . Harry carried me all the way till we came to room 169 . Harry saw the number and giggled .

"Ha. 69 ."

"Really? You think nows the time?" Louis snapped at him breaking Harry's giggle . They opened the door to reveal a nurse waiting for us . Harry walked over and laid me on the hospital bed as the nurse turned around with a clip board in her hand.

"Looks like you have kidney problems . Maybe cancer ." She said as she pulled a big stand over to us , connecting a white clear bag , and injecting that liquid in my for arm . She turned around , escorting all the boys out of the room .

"What do you think cause it?" I asked starting to lose my energy as the medicine circulated around my blood stream .

"We'll a lot of things could have caused it . Smoking , drinking , things you eat , chemicals in the air , stress . There is many more ." She said as she took another blood sample .

"Can they come in?" I asked softly almost falling asleep .

"You need to be in rest for a few days . Yours looks like it can be curable . But we need to keep running tests to see if it is or not ." My eyes widened as I thought of how this I gonna effect my life . What If it went more than just Kidney cancer? What will happen if I'm hospitalised for a long time? What if it gets the best of me? I was so scared just to know a little bit of my problem . The nurse walks over to me an put a mask on my face as she counts down from 10 .

"10 .. 9...8...7...6.........5.........4......3" before she could get to 1 I fell straight to sleep . I was now in my own world .

Harry's P.O.V

When Zayn got the call about Taylor having some type of cancer , my heart sank . I was so scared to know that my perfect , sweet , beautiful girlfriend could possibly have the bad case of what she had . What if she could get it bad enough the where she could die? That thought ran through my mind a million times . I could not picture the best girl in the world , that was all mine , to just die . I'm gonna promise myself that I'm gonna make her happy for now on . I don't care if its bad or not . I have treated Taylor like she was just another paper bag in the drawer . I needed to make a change in her life and I'm going to start now . I sat in the waiting room while the other guys left to go hang out with there girlfriends . The nurse came out about 15 minutes after the guys left and started to give me some info about Taylor .

"We'll it looks like Taylor has some major problem with her Kidneys . We will have to have her stay in the hospital for a few days to see if its curable o not ."

"Can I come see her?"

"We here have a 1 hour visit every day with our patience . You can come then."

"Just 1 hour?"

"We have major priorities that we need to keep ." The nurse told me as she started to get a little attitude with me . I got up , nodded , and walked or the hospital double doors . I was worried about Taylor . I drive all the way home thinking about nothing but Taylor .

My P.O.V

"Beep . Beep . Beep . Beep ." I woke up to the sound of the monitor next to beeping the sound of my pulse . I looked around as my surroundings changed . The room around me was empty and the only noise that was echoing my my breathing and the "Beeping" . I sat up , propping myself , as a nurse walked in .

"Hello . My name is Destany . Ill be your nurse for however long you will be staying here . Now we have to run some test . I know it's all new to you but you will sooner or later get used to it ." She said with a big smile planted on her face as she stuck a needle in my hand as drew some blood . I felt the blood being sucked out of me and I got sick to my stomach . It felt like something evil was taking over my body , pulling every good thing out of me . I looked over to my side lifting my shirt up looking at the bandages wrapping around my thick body .

"When can we take these off?" I asked pointing to my side .

"I guess we can see how it looks now ." She said as she switched sides and started to cut the bandages off my side . She cut it off and it revealed my cut . It was perfectly stitched together , still purple , but healing pretty good . She covered it back up by slipping my shirt back down and walking back over to my blood test . She took the little tube , took the I.V out of my arm , and took the tune out of the room .

'I will be right back in a jippy . She said shutting the door behind her . I looked over to the side table revealing my phone . I picked it up a checked my messages . I got a text from Harry saying :

'Hello love . I won't be able to come see you today . We have a major interview but I will come early in the morning tomorrow . ' When I got finished reading the text . I shrugged it off and called it my 'Vacation Day.'

My reply : 'Thats fine boo . Ill be here . Waiting for your precious face to walk in the door .' I sent the message as my nurse walked in bringing my test results . I could tell by the look on her face that it wasn't a good report .

"We'll looks like you have Kidney cancer but also you also have a rare disease called Minatosis ."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that you could actually loose your eye sight , hearing , and even if it gets bad enough , you could become a vegetable ." She said with the most worried face that I have her seen . I thought about all those things she told me as a tear formed in my eye but I forced it back in . What about Harry? What About everything he had given me? I was so scared . For me , and for everyone . The medican Destany gave to me got me weak and weaker . After about 3 minutes i was fully asleep by then .

The next morning i was greated by a beautiful , familiar face that i was used to seeing .

"Morning beautiful ." Harry's slow , British voice . I reatched up and grabbed his hand . I was in so much pain from all the new medicens and new bruses from the needles on my body .

Harry's P.O.V

Taylor had reached for my hand as she was waking up . I sat down on a chair that was next to her as i gripped her small hand . I could tell that she was a little weak when i felt her hand had no grip to mine .

"Are you ok? Do you need anything?" I asked as she looked at me with her eye lids half way down her eye as she shook her head slowly .

"I Love you .''I said trying to make her feel sime what better .

"I Love you too ." She said quietly as she rolled over to face me .

"Why is she so weak?" I asked the nurse as she walkled in .

"The new medacine , her body isnt use to it . She will get use to it in a couple days .'' She said with a big smiled planted her her rosey cheeks . I Looked down at Taylor as she let go of my hand . She rolled over and made herself into a ball and fell asleep facing me . I So Hoped and prayed that she will get over all of this . SHe was the one that i wanted to spend the rest of my life with . I needed her .

Sorry this is so short! :/ I couldnt think of anything to add! Please comment what you think! <3 I Have no clue about cancer so sorry if this affends you . I just kind of make things up like ... A lot .

You Are My Summer Love . (Part 1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu