Bye . Im Gonna Miss You Guys.

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Chapter Twenty One <3

        Its been almost a month without seeing the boys and also with me in the hospital . Over that month i have learned that i needed to do Chemotharapy . I have already done two Chemotharapy tests and they have done good so far . I havnt texted any of the boys for a week or so . I Didnt really want to bother them while they are on tour . I Sat in my hospital bed for the whole month they have been away and did nothing . I missed them so much . I sat in my bed as i rolled over on my side , staring at my phone , waiting for one of the boys to text me . I Was hoping it was going to be Harry . I stared at my phone for a good 20 minutes as i just got a head and looked them up on google to see what was going on . I never really cared but i was just so bored i wanted to see if they were having fun or not . I saw a link that said 'Harry Styles And Fan Hitting It On Over In Montana?' I Knew that i was a fan so ithought it was going to be about me But it wasnt . I clicked on the link and it took me to a page that had a passage about it and a picture of Harry and the 'Fan' Holding hands . I looked over at the massege and started to read all about it .

'Harry Styles And Fan , Ashley Maray Hitting It On!?

Harry Styles , Band member of One Direction, Seen with a good looking fan , Ashley Maray, Seen In The Montana State University Parking Lot . The Fan Looks Like She Is About 16 of age. He was also seen With A Girl , Taylor Hensly , 15 year of age , At Ohio in the Unites States . Harry Styles reportidly told an interviewer " Me And Taylor broke up a while ago . I Am now as free as the wind ."  Is Harry lieing or telling the truth? He has also told an interviewer "I Love Ashley As much As i love my mother . She is the greatest girl alive . She is the most beautiful girl i have ever met . I Think She Is the one i would love to Marry ." Is Harry Convessign his love for Ashley? They Have Only Been together for a few weeks . Did Harry move on from Taylor? Is This True ? We will give you more info about This as soon as we can .'

That was the only one i had the need to feel to read about . Was this really true? I dont need an answer to that. It was true . Why would He lie to reporters about that? Why would he be holdiong another girls hand? Why? I could feel my blood level rise to the top as i started to cry . I sudenly got a sharp pain in my chest . Everytime i would take a breath , my pain would just get worse and worse . I felt like i was dieing . I buzed in my nurse as she came calmingly walking in .

"Yea Mrs. Taylor?''  She asked as i couldnt talk . I signaled her over pointing to my chest as she was trying to understand me . She finally got what i was trying to say and she ran and got doctors . She knew exactly what was going on but i didnt . Doctors came running in with equipment that i have never even seen before . 

"OK Taylor , Your having a heart attack . We need you to tell us what is giong on!" I heard one of the doctors call out to me . Before i could respond my chest pains had gone away and i fell asleep . A Deep , Deep  sleep .




BEEP . Thenext thing i know i hear all this beeping as my heavy eye lids started to open . 

"Harry?" I said as i saw i figure around me .

"No Sweetie . Its your mother . " She said in a real sweet voice .

"Mom . Where is Harry and Liam ... And .... Niall .. An-" I started to say as the doctor gave me some more pain medacine and i drifted off to sleep . I felt my mother quickly grab my hand as she sat next to me on my bed .

Hours later i had woken up to be greeted by My mother again . 

"Morning beautiful ." My mom said to me pushing strands of my hair behind my ear .

"Mom . I want Harry ." I said as i could feel a tear form in my eye . 

"Im Sorry baby . I Dont know where they could be right now . They are on tour ." She said whiping my tear that was falling slowly down my face . 

"Mom! I Want Him Now! '' I yelled as even more tears started to drip down my face even faster .

"Shh . Huney . I cant do anything ."

"But Mom . Im Scared ." I said as i thought back to earlier . The passage . I quickly sat up and started to cry even heavier as i looked over to my phone . I quickly unlocked it and started to text Harry .

Harry Bear <3

'Is it really true that you told a reporter about us breaking up!? ' 

I didn want to be like any other girl and say "We are done ! You lied!' I thought that was really cheasy . I mean like what if it was fake? You have to give them a chance dont you? It wasnt so long after Harry had texted me back .

Harry Bear <3 

'Taylor! No No No! It was not true at all! I swear it was one if the fans . I love you . And only you :* '

I wasnt so sure about it so i closed out od his message and started to text Zayn .


'Is it true Harry told a reporter that he broke up with me ?'

I sat my phone down thinking about how i got myself to like Harry . I Knew he was goign to be trouble . I Looked at my phone as i saw it ringing . I answered the phone to Zayn number .

"Yea?" I asked trying to not sound like i was crying .

"Taylor , Honey . Harry did not say that at all . We all promise that . He was with us the whole time we were there . I promise .''

"Then how did it be a internet sensation talk then?''

"I Dont know but all we can say is that it is not true no matter what ."

"Ok I Believe you guys . But when are you guys coming back?"

"We will be back within a week or two ."

"Ok . I really miss you guys . "

"We miss you two .'' He said with his voice getting softer as he spoke . " Well how was your test?" 

"They are geting better and better ."

"Thats good to hear . I hope by the time we get back youll be out of there and back on wiht us ."

"Ok I Love you ."

"We love you too boo . Well i have to go but i will make sure we all text you to keep you company . Bye ."

"Bye Zayn ." I said hangin the phone up as i admediatly got a text from Niall and Liam .

Niall: Hey Love . I Hope you are feeling better in no time! xx

Liam: G'morning <3 .xx We Will c u in hopefully about 2 weeks .

Then i sudenly got a text from Harry .

Harry:  Love , I really hope you dint believe those things . They are all fake . I promised you that i love you . I only want my sweet heart kinded , beautiful Tylor Hensly .

My reply to Harry : I dont believe them , I know you love me . I love you too with all my heart and cant wait to see you again <3

Reply to Niall: I Am feeling better . I only have 3 more test to go! I cant wait to see you guys again .

Repoly to Liam : Morning Handsome :) I cant wait to see you guys . I only have 3 more test to go them i hopefully will be outta her by the time youg uys get back. Love you and all the other lads .

I sat my phone down as the nurse gave me one of my last 3 tests . She stuck the needle in me as i watched as the little tube filled up with my DNA . She took it back out of the room and came in with the results as i quickly got a text from Some one . I reached over the table and picked up my phone to see it was Niall .

Niall: Im glad you feel better . 

I smiled as i sat my phone down so i could pay my full attention to the nurse while she gave me my test result .

"Well Looks like you will be out of here within a week! This test shows that your cancer has been fighting well and is all gone . You will have to do one more test by next weeks and if that says its good ebnough you wil be out of here with your boys ." She said with the bugest , most prettiest smile i have ever seen on a nurse .

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