Lest Restart .

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Chapter Sixteen <3 

"Harry . No Need to -" I started to say as he interrupted me .

"There is a need . You don't understand . I didn't know hat to do . I lost one of the most important girls in my life . Your important to me and I just can't tell you that without hurting you . I don't mean to do all the things I did to you . It's hard right now ."

"I know it is. Ido understand ."

"No you do-"

"Harry , yes I do ." I said grabbing his hand and intertwining out finger's . He looked down at our hands and back up to me and smiled .

"Ok , let's retry this ."

"What do you mean ?" I asked still smiling .

"Let's restart everything . Lets act like nothing ever happened ."

"That's fine by me ." I said kissing him.

"Ok so will you go out with me ."

"Your over with -?"

"Yes I am ."

"Then , Yes I will go out with you ." I giggled and kissed him again . I just couldn't get over that this was all over and we were finally happy together . I leaned up at his stained , tear face and whipped away the last year that came out of his eye .

"I love you ."

"I love you too ." I said as my hand made its way down to my side again . I looked back at Zayn and Liam and they were hugging each other 'Awe-ing' at us . I was finally happy with the position I'm in . I pulled Harry away from the tree and walked down back to my house . The whole time , we were just making up stupid jokes and telling each other how we felt . When I heard everything he said that he wrote in that note , I wanted to she'd a test because the whole time I didn't believe him . I would have never thought that it was just something that he didn't understand . He was just so confused . But it didn't matter now . I was finally happy with the guy of my dreams . We finally got back home and we walked in . Niall came up to us and smile .

"Taylor , can I talk to you ?" He asked as he took my hand from Harry . He dragged me up to my room and shut the door . All the other boys were in Teresa's Niall pulled the question again .

"Will you come back home with us?" I looked at all tree lite up faces .

"Yes . Yes I will ." I said smiling big as all the guys hugged me . I ran down stairs to Harry sitting on the floor . I never understood his mind .



''I'm going back home with you guys ." I said smiling big as he got up and lifted me off the ground , spinning me around as when he was just about ready to sit me down , he planted a kiss .

"I'm glad ." He said grabbing a hold of my hand . I smiled at his hand a back at him . How could I love a guy so much when he has already hurt me plenty of times? I don't know how but I would die for this kid .

"Sorry guys , there was a little track ok the highway ." My mom said as she walked in the door . I got up and waked in the kitchen to get something to eat .

Harry's P.O.V

Taylor's mom had just walked in and as she walked in , Taylor got up and walked into the kitchen . I was so lucky to have a girl like her . I loved her and I didn't know how to tell her . But all I am thankful for how is to have the girl of my dreams .

My P.O.V

I grabbed a bottle of orange juice and a bad of chips and walked out .

"Harry . We need to talk ." Louis walked down and pulled Harry into my room . I walked up there after they shut the door and tried to listen to there conversation .

Liam: "We all need to tell her ."

Harry: " Why ?"

Louis : "Harry! Use your brain! "

Harry:" Sorry ."

Zayn : "She can't just go home without knowing . We don't know how she will react to it ."

Niall: "I say we just go down there and tell her ."

Zayn : " Niall's right . Lets go ."

When I heard Zayn say 'Let's go.' I quickly but quietly , ran down stairs and sat on the couch . They came out of my room and down the steps to tell me what they wanted to tell me .

"We have something to tell you ." Liam said as they all grabbed each others hand . I looked at Harry as he put his head down in shame .

"Ok just tell me ." I said not moving my sight from Harry .

"Ok well , -" Liam started to say as he looked at the other boys .

"Really? You can't just say it!?" Niall laughed .

"We'll what he was trying to say is that back home , Harry has a kid ." Niall took over after he stopped laughing . I wasn't expecting that to come out of his mouth! I looked at Harry as he picked his head up .

"You guys are hilarious! " I said as I knew they were joking .

"It's true ." Harry sad softly . I looked at Harry with my mouth dropped to the floor . We all sat in silence for a few minutes as everyone broke up . Zany walked outside with Liam , Niall walked in the kitchen and Louis walked back up to my room calling someone . Harry just stood there with his head down .

"I'm not upset or anything of you think that's what is wrong with me ." I said as I got up and walked to him . He looked up at me and smirked for a split second .

"But are you just gonna sit around and act like nothing to him?"

"Of course not! I'm gonna act as much important to him as you are . "

"Are you gonna still go?"

"Of course . I'm gonna get there and ill act like a mom to that baby . I don't care if its with someone else . I'm with you and now I'm gonna take care of that kid . "

"I love you ." He said finally picking his head and and kissing me .

"Who's the real mom?" I asked as he pulled close into him , wrapping his arms around my waist .

"One of my best girl friends ."

"Why did you get her pregnant?"

"Long story."

"Explain ." I said pulling out of his grip .

"There was a party , there was alcohol , you should know where it leads to ."

"Oh I get it now ." I said giggling .

"Yea . It's not that hard . But are you gonna leave me if it gets to much for you ?"

"Why would I do that? I wouldn't leave at all . Your my world and so is that kid . That's all I'm gonna worry about is you , your kid , and the other lads with there girlfriends . I love you guys to death and I would never leave for something stupid ."

"This I why I love you ." He said grabbing my hand and kissing me . I loved the way he kissed me randomly

You Are My Summer Love . (Part 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant