Im Better!

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Chapter Twenty Two <3

(Sorry for not showing this before but here, to the right of the screen , is a pic of what i think Taylor looks like! )

Its my last Chemotharapy test and i cant wait till i see the boys .

"Taylor . Your good to go!" Destany told me as she brought back the blood work .

"Are you serious!?' I cheered .

"Yepp . Your all good to go . " She said as she handed my mom paper work to fill out . I got out of bed realising i hadnt touched the floor in so long . It felt good to be out of here . I got up and waited for my mom at the door as i grabbed my phone and admediatly texted all the boys .\

To All The Boys : IM DONE! i finished Chemotharapy!

With no time my phone blew up with " Thats great!" And "Im So Proud Of You! Cant Wait to See You!" I smiled as i slipped my phone back into my pocket as my mom grabbed my hand and we checked out the hospital . I stepped out side and it felt like i couldnt breath . I havnt been outside in 3 to 4 months! It felt good to be in the fresh air again . I hopped in my moms car and we drove off home . I took in my surroundings as we got home . I hoped out of the car and ran to my room as soom as my mom unlocked the house door . I ran straight up to my room and admediatly called Harry .

"Hello?'' He sounded like he was getting sick .

"Im Out!"

"Oh My God thats great! "

"I Know im so happy! When are you guys coming back?''

"We are acually on our plane right now" Someone said in the back . I asumed it was Niall from how he talked .

" How long will it be till you get off the plane?"

"About a few hours . But as soon as we land we are getting an ride over there ok?"

"OK . I Miss you so much . "

"I Miss you too babe . We all miss you . I cant wait to see your beatiful face ."

"I Miss you too . Well i better go . Get you some sleep . Love you loads . "

"Love you too . Bye ." I hung up the phone and quickly got in the shower .  

I turned on the radio and a song had came on . I didn't know it but it sounded so.... It sounded like I have heard this song before but I couldn't put my finger on it .

'Your hand fits in mine like its made just for me

But bare this in mind it was meant to be

And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheek

And it all makes sense to me .'

I knew exactly who it was. It was the 5 boys that I absolutely adored . I have never heard this song. I guess it was new . It was so perfect . I kept listening to it till I heard the perfect voice . It was raspy, but deep in the perfect harmony .

'I know you never loved the sound of your voice on tape

You never want to know how much you way

You still have to squeeze into your jeans

But your perfect to me '

That was my special boy . The love of my life . I couldn't stop thinking about that song as others came on . After there song , ' little things ' , 'the way you lie' by Rhianna then 'someone like you ' by Adele came on . I hopped out of the shower and turned the radio off walked in my room . I pulled out my under garments and got out a pair of spandex neon green shorts and a black tank top . I pulled my hair up in a messy bin and slipped under my blankets . Thinking about nothing but Harry . My mind wondered off and I started thinking about Liam . I got deep into my thought about him as my stomach stared to do twists . Why was I thinking about him? He I on rod the closest guys out of the group . I can't think about Liam like that . I'm I love with Harry . Not Liam . Or so a I think?


The next morning I was woken up by the sound of my favourite person in the whole world . I thought it was just a dream until I got pushed out of my bed and I hit the floor with a big thud .

"OW!" I yelled as I force my eyes to pry open .

"Morning my beautiful ." His voice echoed through my quiet room . My eyes had finally got used to the sight and his curly hair was all I saw .

"Why . Why in the world would you wake me up like this!? A girl needs her sleep!" I stated a he snaked his arms around me and pulled me up sitting on my bed with me in his arms .

"Is it your time of the month?" He giggled as I put my head in the crook of his neck .

"Yea now let me sleep!" I moaned as I sat on his lap , legs spread around each of his sides , my arms tucked in his warm chest , and my head rested on his neck . All my weight was all settled on Harry's body .

"No time for that ." He told me as he got up , tightening his grip around my back . I was jut starting to go back to sleep as I heard the loud creek my bedroom door made as Harry opened it , walking down the stairs . I heard the guys having a full blown conversation as it all stopped when Harry came down . It became all silent as Harry walked over to the couch and sat down next Niall and Louis .

"Look how precious she is ." Niall said as he started stroking my hair softly . I could feel a smirk coming up on my face but I held it in . It was all silent for a few minutes as I could feel all 10 pair of eyes just staring at me as Harry was playing with the ends of my hair that fell down onto my back . I slowly took a deep breath and pushed off of Harry's neck . I rubbed my eyes as they fluttered open .

"Morning sunshine ." Niall said staring at me with his crystal blue eyes that burned a whole into my skull . I quickly looked away and looked at Zayn and Liam . I smiled as Zayn got up and took me from Harry . I turned around in his arms and I was sitting on Zayn just how I was just sitting on Harry .I leaned down till i reached Zayn's ear .

"Am i hurting you?" I asked bitting my bottom lip . He shook his head as his eyebrows knitted together .

"Why say that ?" He mouthed to me . For some reason i always ask that to people . Whenever im sitting on someone i always ask if i am hurting them in some way . I Guess i just wasnt use to be hasled around like a barbie dall like i am now by the boys . Or maybe the bullying got to me? Maybe i did let the bullying get to me? Ever since i was a kid i had a weight problem . I mean i wasnt even big . I guess it was cause all the girls were skinny as a twig and i had meat on my body . I thought about that almost everyday without realising i did . 

"Babe ?" Zayn whispered in my ear as i came back to reality from my little trance . I looked at him with my eyes wide open .

"Why did you ask?" He questioned again . I didnt want to tell them . I wasnt like that . I didnt like people knowing what was bothering me . It made me feel like an attention grabber . I shook my head and let is slide when Zayn picked me up just how Harry did .

"Excuse us for a moment please ." He said as he walked outside . He opened the door and the freezing cold weather hit my open skin .

"Zayn i want to go back in . Im freezing ." I told him hiding my face in his neck . 

"Your going to tell me what you were talking about in there ." He demanded me as he sat me down . My feet touched the ground for the first time ever today . My bar feet touched the cold , concrete ground .

"I Dont know . i was just wondering . Nothing important ." I said trying to get past Zayn as he grabbed me and pushed me back .

"Zayn Im Not in the mood!" I yelled at him . 

''I dont care . I know exactly what you are talking about now . You better not be thinking like that ever again . "

"Zayn . Thats No-" I started to say but Zayn cut me off .

"No More talking about this . You know what im saying and you better get that threw you thick scull . Your perfect and not fat at all . " He said turning around and walking in the house leaving me standing where i was at . Wow he was realy serious . He looked at me like he was going to hit me . As if he was mad at me for thinking about it . but he doesnt know why i always ask that . He knows nothing . No one knows anything . 

You Are My Summer Love . (Part 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora