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Chapter Thirty Four <3

            "Blah blah blah blah ." I heard someone whisper but i couldnt make out the words . As soon as i rolled over i felt something grab onto my side and flip me over till i hit the hard ground . 

"Get up sleepy beuaty!" I heard a voice shout in a undecovered voice .

"Im Up!" I lied .

"No Your not! Your eyes are still closed!" They shouted back . I tugged on my blanket but it wouldnt budge .

"Off!" I screamed and i rolled around till my stomach was touching the ground . 

"Get up!" I girly voice screamed . I didnt bother because it thought it would be Perrie or smoeone but i was wrong . I just sat there until i felt a whole body sit on my back to where i couldnt breathe .

"Okay! Im Up! Im Up!" I screamed as my eyes flew open . 

"Promise?" They asked . 

"Yes!" I scream laughed . I felt a releave of pressure off of my back . I sat up gasping for air as i rubbed my eyes . I looked up and saw All five boy's standing infront of the door .

"What?" I spat at them as i got up slowly . They all looked at each other and exchanged looks as they moved out of the door way . There was my beautiful friend Hannah . Standing behind them staring at me with a smile . I rubbed my eyes once more and ran over to her pushing Zayn out of the way . I jumped on her like i havnt seen her i years . Well that's exactly my point! 

"I Missed you so much!" I screamed as i tear fell from my face .

"I Missed you too ." She said as she dug her head in the crook of my neck and started to laugh . I pulled back and looked at all the boys . I ran up to Harry that was sitting down on his bed . I ran up to him and pushed him back and kissed him . 

"I Love you ." I said as i got back up and ran back to Hannah .

"Hannah!?" Someone called from down stairs . I looked at her strangley and she shrugged .

"Its Tanner ." She said as she walked down stairs . 


"Boyfriend ." Niall answered for her . I looked at him with my eyes bulding out of my head .

"What?" Louis asked walking closer to me .

"I-I Dont know ." I said simply as i walked down stairs as i saw they were , You know , Getting it on .

"HmHmm ." I caughed as they broke apart .

"What are you looking at?" Hannah snapped at me . This time she wasnt playing . She meant it .

"I-Im Sorry ." I said as i ran upstairs so confused . I walked back into the room and all there faces all dropped . 

"Whats wrong?" Niall asked grabbing for my arm or something .

"Uh . Nothing ." I said as i went back down stairs when Hannah called my name . I walked down stairs to see her body intertwined with so called 'Tanner's .' .

"Yes Hannah ?"

"Where are we sleeping ?"

"Uh .. "

"Its official . We get your room ."

"Excuse me but i share a room you know ." I snappped back .

"Ohh WIth Who?" her head shot out of his .


"Oh I thought you knew ." She said obviously trying to show off .

"Knew what?"

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