Ill See You Sooner Or Later .

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Chapter Ten <3

                      We walked in and i saw a dark , straight , haired girl sitting with Hannah . 

"Hey Hannah ?" I said in a question . She looked at me and gave me a dirty look . I couldnt believe a friend , that was like my sister , would ever give me such a mean look whn i didnt do anything to her . I loked up at Harry worried and confused . He shrugged his shoulders and we both walked over to them .

"Oh Hey Maddie ." Harry said talking to the girl next to Hannah . I looked at Maddie and then at Harry . 

"Maddie , This is Taylor ." He said letting go of My hand as soon as she looked at us both .

"Hi ." She said looking at me as Harry took a step away from me . I smiled at her and she looked away at me like she already didnt like me already . Right when she turned back at Harry i knew admediatly who it was . It was the girl that sent me that long nasty Message . Thats also why Harry stook a step back because he knew she sent that to me . I walked up stairs as Harry and Hannah had a full blown conversation about me right infront of me . 

'Who i guess they all ahte me now ? Yea im never gonna talk to them again . i thought Hannah was my friend and I thought Harry loved me but They are two faced .' I thought to myself . I walked upstairs to Liam's room . I walked in and he was just putting a shirt on . 

"Hey Taylor ." He said really fast . 

"Hey . Who is that Maddie girl downstairs?"

"Oh she is my girlfriend . " he said like he was afraid to tell me .

"She was the one that sent me that message wasnt she?" 

"Look . Im really sorry about that . She gets Jelous really easily ."

"Then why are you with her?" I said as he stoped what he was doing .

"Becasue i can ." He simply said as he brushed past me and out the door . I walked out of his room and slowly walked over to Niall's room .

"Hey im coming in ." I said through the door .

"Ok ." He said as he opened the door for me .

" Can I hang out with you?" I asked .

"Yea but im goin out with Liam and Maddie in a little bit ."

"Who is all goin .?"

"Uh Me , Liam , Maddie , Louis , Elanore , Zayn , Perrie , Hannah , And Harry ." He said leaving me out of the sentence .

"Im Not?" I said knowing i wasnt  .

"We are goin to a pub ." He said . "And your only 15 ." He added . 

"Ok ." I said walking out .

"Im sorry Love!" Niall shouted as i entered Harrys room . I walked in the door and sat on his bed . I grabbed his phone and went through his phone . I went through his photos and saw most of his photos were of me and him . I smiled and a tear fell out of my eye onto his phone screan . I wasnt trying to cry it just kind of fell out of my eye . I sat his phone down and just stared at the wall . 

"Hey Babe ." Harry said as he walked in the room .

"Hey ."

"Im gonna go out with all the boys Ok?"

"Yea ." I said softly .

"Ok . See you tomorrow ." he said as he rbbed my face and walked out the door . I lokoed at the clock and it was already 11:33 . I heard the front door open and close . I was all alone . In a home that ive been living in for about a month . Im not use to this yet . I saw that Harry left his phone so i picked it up and started to call my mom .

You Are My Summer Love . (Part 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora