Again Harry , Again .

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Chapter Thirteen <3

All the way to the appointment , I couldnt think about anything else except Harry . I just couldnt believe he played me , again!

"Who was that young lady with them?" My mom asked not taking her eye off the road .

"Oh Thats Uh , Louis Sister ." I made an excuse up just so my mom wouldnt say anything or make a bg deal out of it . I mean it wasnt the first ive benn played by a dude . If been played by a Guy before Alex, Jacob, A Guy before Jacob , Zach , and Now Harry , twice . This just wasnt my real life . I never thought that Harry was htat type of man . He practically cheated on Caroline with me! Gosh . I was a big fan of Caroline . I just loved her but now i cant look at her the same way . Not in a nasty way , but i just cant believe Harry would try to cheat on her with me . I mean i dont see it . She way prittier than me . We pulled up to the dentist and i froze . I forgot that today was the day i got my braces .I was so nervuse . What if they looked at me in a different way when they see me with my braces on ? I mean im suure they wont because Niall has braces, but what if tey dont think im good enough with a little change in me? I was so scared . I got out of the car and walked in as my mom checked me in . I sat down on a chair and pulled out my phone . I pulled up a 'New Message' and started to text Louis .

Me: 'Louis? Does Harry even like Caroline?''

Louis: 'Yea i think so why?'

Me: 'Because , He played me and Caroline .'

Louis: 'What do you mean?'

Me: 'He kissed me right before youg uys left . '

Louis: 'Really!?'

I read the message but i didnt get to reply as the dentist called me in . I got up and walked in the bacl sliding my phone in my back pocket . He lead me into a room and told me so sit on a chair . I sat down and he layed me back and told me to open my mouth .

"Ok . This will hurt a bit but not much ." He said as he stretched my mouth open with these white clentches . He pulled out a que-tip and some weird liguid stuff and started to apply it in the middle of my teeth . When he finished he hurried up and grabbed whire and put it on my teeth adding some tightning grips and chains . He finished the top and he started on the bottom . When he finished he asked me what colors i wanted .

"What color rubber bands do you want?" I thought about Harrys favorite color and mine .

"Can i have two?"

"Sure what do you want?" He said pulling out a whole drawer of colored bands .

"Can i have Neon orange and Neon green?"

''Yes Ma'me ." He said . Picking out two packs that had orange in them and green in them .

"How do you want them?"

"I want it like orange on one and then green and ike make it a pattern ."

"Ok , Open wide ." He said as i did what he told me . He wrapped a band around my braces and then another . It took about 10 or 15 minutes to do it because they kept snapping if he opened them to wide . When he finished he let me up and looked in the mirror . I kind of looked a little better with braces . I didnt look too bad but i looked too bad for The Boys . He lead me out of the room to my Mom and gave her a bag full og things to take care of my teeth and braces . She payed and checked out and we drove back home . We past the hotel that they were staying at . How did i know? , becasue there were screaming girls and poperatzzi .

"Look . Im guessing the guys are staying there . Do you want o stop and say hi?" My Mom asked turning on her turn signals .

"No! I want to go home . I have a head ache ." I said . My head was punding from my braces . The chain was too tight and was giving me a tooth ache and a head ache . She stoped to turn signal and headed home . I pulled out my phone and answered Louis text .

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