You Are My Summer Love .

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Chapter One <3

               "Happy Birthday To Taylor! Happy Birthday To You!"  My Class sang to me . The bell was almost about to ring as my heart was pounding to find out what I was getting for my birthday . I stared at Hannah with a bright smile planted on my face . The bell finally rang and I was the first one to jump out of the seat , grab Hannah by the wrist , and run out the door to our locker . 

"Hurry! Just Throw All Your Stuff In There!"  I Yelled At Hannah . 

"Ok! Calm Down!" Hannah Yelled As She Slammed her locker shut . I grabbed Hannah By her wrist , again , and dragged her to our bus . I took a seat , pulling Hannah down with me , and stared out the window thinking about what my world was revalving around , One Direction . 

"Whats Your Problem Today?''  Hannah said to me running out of breath . I looked over and took a deep breath .

"Today Is My 15 Birthday And My Mom Said She Would Get Me Only One Present And It Was The Most Expensive She Has Ever Got Me And I Might Now What It Is!" I Said almost yelling at her .

"Ok Calm Down Chicka. What Do You Think It Is?" She Said Softly .

"ONE DIRECTION TICKETS!" I Yelled Jumping up and down in the seat as the bus drove off . Hannah looked at me , eyes wide open and her jaw droped to the floor . 

"A-Are You Serious!!?" She yelled doing the same i was . Hannah Loved One Direction as much as i did . She LOVED Zayn . She Thought He Was So Hott But I Absaloutly Loved Harry . I Loved Them All But Harry Stood Out More than the others . I Stared out the window ignoring Hannah question as i got a text from my mom .

'Hey honey . i just found out from my cousin that you are related to Nial Horan! Its Our Cousin Ryan That Lives In The Uk! He Said That his mom is Nial's Aunt!'

As Soon As i read that i dropped my phone and started to cry in joy.

"Whats Wrong!?" Hannah shouted brining me in her chest . 

"Nothing! I Just Found Out That Nial Horan Is My Cousin!" I Shouted crying even more in excitement . Hannah stoped rubbing my head and pushed me away from her and just sat there in shock . I Sat Strait Up and looked at her and we both sat there in silence the rest of the bus ride . We both were on the bus for about 25 to 30 Min. We got to my house and and we didnt budge to get up until my bus driver yelled at us . We both snaped out of our trance and got up slowly and walked inside my house as my mom ran up to us . 

"Happy Birthday Sweety!" My Mom Yelled As she gave me a box . I took it and ran up to my room with Hannah . I sat down on my bed and opened the box slowly . Hannah stood right infront of me and stared at the box dramadically . I Riped open the top and scooted back the tishue paper . Then I Say a neon green fabric . I Pulled it out and it was a hoodie that said 'I Love Harry Styles' On The From But ON The Back It Said '#DirectionerForLife' . I Looked Up At Hannah In Shock And Wuickly put it on . Then I looked back in the box and saw a invalope . I opened it and pulled out what was inside . I Closed my eyes as i put them on my bed .

"Open!" Hannah shouted . I opened my eyes and saw what was in the invalope out on my bed was 2 One Direction Tickets and Back Stag Passes . I Saw Them And Screamed my little heart out and i started to cry a little more . I Sat Them down on my dresser and ran down stairs .

"Thank You Thank YouThank You Thank You! I Love You Sosososo Much!" I Yelled As i gave my mom a huge hug . I Let go of her and ran back upstairs and looked at them . The concert wasnt for a week On July 19 . Today Was My Fake Birthday . I Always celabrate my birthday a week earlier because my parents are always gone on my real birthday . My Real birthday was on the 19! I was so excited . i looked at Hannah with my mouth wide open . 

"Oh . Meh . Gerd! Thats Your Real Birthday!" Hannah Shouted As I Sat Down on my bed really slowly , thinking about how great that day would be . I sat on my bed for about 30 mins . just thinking about it as i snapped out of my trance . I got up and tried tofrget about it as i got out my homework that was due when break was over but i just wanted to get it done and over with . 

"Hannah! Lets Do Homewrok And Get It Out Of The Way!" I yelled as she came running up the steps stuffing her mouth with some cake and grabbing her bookbag . She pulled out her homework and we bohtb just layed down on the floor and started to do it . We had a hole lot of homework because we both had a 3 day field trip and we needed to catch up the work for those 3 days missed . we stayed up all night until like 5 in the moring just doing out homework  but i fell asleep while in the middle of it . My Mom walked in and covered us up and as she did that, all i heard her say is "Goodnight My Obsessive Girls ." And Walked ou the door and turned the light off . I Thought to my self "See you in the morning mom."

You Are My Summer Love . (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now