It Not What It Looks Like .

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Chapter Seven <3

                            As i opened the door with Hannah behind me i couldnt believe what i just saw . 

"Harry?" I said shocked . He looked up and rolled off the bed .

"Not What It lookes like ." He said laying on the floor right infront of me .

"Then what is it then ? Its seems to me you were just making out with the girl you just dumped ." I said trying not to act like im jelous and not raising my voice any higher than it was . He got up and looked at me with the most pitiful face that ive ever seen . I looked down at him not wanting to get hurt by a guy again . Alex hurt me enough and Now a dud im not even dating that i have fallin for is hurting me as much as Alex did but emotionally . I felt a tear foem in my eyes nad i didnt want it to happen again so i just turned around and left . I walked down staris slowly as Hannah kept asking .

"Taylor ? Taylor . Taylor? Taylor!" Until i stoped on the last step and looked at her .

"What! What do you want! Cant i be left alone for just an hour! You people sre annoying!." I yelled not thinkin what i just said . It just came out . I walked on and went in the back yard taking my phone with me . I sat on the lounge chair and started to cry . I couldnt see the letters on my phone to txt Louis so i just decided to call him . 

"Hello my second love ." He answered .

"Louis ." I said softly to wear you could barely hear me .

"Can you give me a second ." He said in the back talking to Elanore .

"What wrong babe?" He asked walking away .

"I dont wanna be here a lone . Can i please hang out with you and Elanore today ?"

"Sure thing babe . Ill be over in a bit ." 

"Okay thank you ."

"No Problem ."

"Oh and Louis ."

"Yea ?"

"I love You ." I said very softly .

"I Love You too ." He said hanging up . I sat there in my chair for as long as i could until Louis came over . I saw him walk around the house loking for me as he saw me in the back throught the glass doors . He walked out side seeing me cry a little . 

"Are you ready?" He asked walking closer to me . I looked up at him and shook my head .

Louis P.O.V

I got a phone call from Taylor and it sounded like something happened . I came as fast as i could to go get her . I walk inside and i see her ouside sitting on a lounge chair just crying . 

"Are you ready?" I asked . She looked over at me with puffy pink eyes with a little read baby nose . I looked at her closley as she shook her head as a tear fell from her eye . She got up and walked inside hesatating to open the door .

My P.O.V

I got up and hesatated to open the door once more . 

"Do you Want Me To Get It?" Louis asked as he steped infront of me and slide the door open . I looked around and saw Harry on the couch looking at the floor . I looked at Louis as another tear fell .This was the most i cried ever . Just over that .I should have cried more with the Alex issue but that didnt surprise me but Harry did . 

"Will you go first .?" I asked gittery . Louis looked at me and took my hand and walked in . I watched Harry the whole Time until he looked at me . His eyes were just how mine was . All puffy and read like he has been crying . Another tear droped from my eye as did to him too . Louis and i got to the door and he dragged me out . I didnt want to leave but yet i did . Louis pulled open the passenger door to let me in . I Looked at hm and smiled as i sat down and buckled up very slowly . He got in the drivers side and took off to Elanores house or as the British say a 'flat' .

"So will you tell me what happened?" He asked with his eyes focused on the road . 

"I-I Guess so ." So i said .

"Well Harry invited Hannah over so i would be happy and me and her sat on the couch talking . we didnt have anything else to talk about so i walked up to Harry room . I opened the door and - and ." I said as i could bare to tell him .

"And What Love?" He said . 

"And Harry was making out with Taylor ." I said softly .

"Swift?" He asked .

"No Me . Yes Swift ." I said as the tears came back . Louis stomped on the breaks in a parking lot of Walmart . He looked at me and a tear fell from his face too . 

"Im So sorry . I didnt mean to make you cry . I knew i shouldnt have came here ." I said laying my head in my arms that were proped up on my legs on the seat .

"That doesnt sound like the normal Harry though ." Louis said as he took off again .

"I didnt think so either . '' I said . We sat in silece the rest of the way to Elanores .  We pulled up to her 'flat' and got out . Louis literally ran inside as i just took my time making my way over to the door . I slwoly opened the door and saw Louis kissing Elanore . I walked passed them having flash backs of Alex .

Flash Back : *Alex Please No! I yelled as he pulled out a knife and started to cut me in random places . He pulled my shirt up and cut my tummy .*

Flash Back : *Come any closer and she will get it .*

Flash Bacl: * *Harry Singing and Alex Comes and pulles me off the stage* Bang! My head in the concrete as hard as i can .

All those flash backs cut deep down into my soul . I droped to the floor and just froz in time .

"Taylor?" Elanore said as i was sitting on the floor just staring off into space as the inside of me i was crying till i could breath .

"Taylor!" Louis yelled as i didnt budge . 

"Taylor . Taylor . Taylor .Taylor!" Thye kept yeling as Louis shook me till i snapped out of my 1 hour long trance of flash backs . I blinked and gasped for air as i just started to cry .

"Are you ok!?" Elanore yelled as Louis ran up stairs .

"You werent breathing for a whole hour! You were considered dead!" She yelled tearing up . She didnt even know me and she already cared about me as Much as Louis did . Now i know how he could Love her . She sat down next to me and pulled me in a hug as she started to cry with me . Louis came down and sat next to us with a blanket . he sat next to me on the other side that i was free at . They both sat next to me the whole night until i stoped crying and untll i fell straight to sleep . 

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