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You're gone and I gotta stay high all the time

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You're gone and I gotta stay high all the time

Dorothea P.O.V

The football game was crowded to say the least. Lee and Rose walked beside me, therefore making Vance stand the furthest away from me.

I shouldn't have been so stupid. So, reckless. What makes it even worse his ex-wife is joining. I mean she is Lee's mom, but I didn't think he respected her. If I was in that place though, I'd understand Lee.

"I'm going to go to the seats now, look out for Deyla." Vance itches the back of his head, walking away from us.

My eyes painfully followed his every move. I felt I put myself in a trance I couldn't get myself out of. Rose and Lee laughed at a joke she told while I walk behind them.

"Hey Dorothea over here." Rose announces from the side of me.

I guess I was too busy staring at nothing, I missed the turn. My feet quickly walked over to her and I knock into at least two people.

"Sorry-." My voice is soft, she probably didn't even hear me. Why was this affecting me so much? God, I'm so fucked.

I shook my head and turned my seeing Lee giving a kid his popcorn. Rose rolled her eyes and jogged over to him. He looked up at her innocently and she continued to scold him.

After five minutes of bickering we all laughed. "That was my popcorn." Rose wipes her fake tears.

I hummed looking down at the football field. "Oh mom!" Lee announces, walking to hug her.

"Hey honey, oh and hello to you too Rose." Deyla sweetly smiled. "Don't mind me, I invited Greg too."

Lee's smile faded into a hurt, scared one. "Mom I said don't bring him."

"Lee hun, he's my fiancé. It would be rude not to." She tucked his hair behind his ear, well at least tried.

I turned to Rose who just shrugged her shoulders, biting on her nails. That caused me to sigh in annoyance.

"Oh you." Deyla looks down at me with evil eyes.

I bit the inside of my cheek and clenched my fists slightly. "It's Dorothea."

She nods her head, putting her purse to the seat next to me. "Oh, do you mind if you girls move down one."

"Mom, we only bought five tickets, not six." Lee tells her and Deyla looked annoyed also. "Well doesn't that mean Dorothea over here as to go?"

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