42: memory card

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Taehyung had traveled to his father's lab now walking through the hallways with his keycard. He opened the last door and walked into his father's office seeing the man sit behind his desk frowning at the computer screen.

"This is ridiculous," he mumbled. Then he noticed Taehyung and looked up smiling wide, the man stood up giving his son a tight warm hug. "Ah, welcome back son!"

"Hi dad, what's wrong? i got here as soon i could''

"Well nothing bad don't worry. I called you because I need the thing that is in your neck back. I have use for it now," Dr.Kim said pointing to taehyung's neck when he said it.

"oh..that thing?"

"Yes, You have kept it safe. and now the time has come it can be used. It's my most advanced chip yet. dr.kim smiled and motioned Taehyung to follow him, which the boy did. "I have a doctor here who usually does surgery and transplantations of mechanical limbs and pieces. I will let him remove the chip from you. you won't be bothered by anyone anymore once you don't have it anymore. so that's good too"

"what will you do with it? what is it for?" Taehyung asked, wondering why such a small thing got him in so much trouble.

"You will see, it's very exciting. here this is Doctor Kim '' his father said walking into the doctor's room.

"hello Taehyung, im Kim seokjin" the man said giving taehyung a kind welcoming smile.

"I will leave my son here with you." dr.kim said and turned to his son. "don't worry he is a really kind man, you will be fine" he ruffled taehyung's hair making his son frown and fixed his hair right after.

"So.....what do I do?"

"Okay you can sit here," Seokjin said, pointing to a strange looking chair. "i will numb this part of your skin. So don't move while I work. I will put this around your head so you wont move too much '' Seokjin explained everything while he got his things ready. "it will be done shortly. Don't worry it won't leave any negative things on you when it's done"

"Will it hurt much?"

"since you are numbed on that specific spot, it shouldn't hurt, you may feel something but pain, no"

" okay" Taehyung said he was nervous. He wasn't the best with pain but he guesses this must not be worse than that gunshot he has been through. So he just went for it. HE watched Seokjin take a scalpel and a strange looking object. An assistant lit the doctor's spot for the cut. Taehyung was mostly numb on the part like Seokjin said but he still felt something was in there.

The doctor cut open a slid in the neck and took out the chip that was inside, dropping it in the cup of water. The assistant cleaned the cut and used a plaster tape to hold the cut together so it can heal. It wasn't bleeding a lot. She patted the drops away and her jb was done.

"so, I will give this to you father now," Seokjin said and walked away.

"Does it hurt Kim?" the assistant asked.

"no, not really"

"That's good, it will heal quickly, the cut is not big. It most likely won't leave any scars too"

"That's nice, thank you" Taehyung smiled and she smiled back, bowing slightly before leaving the room.

He sat there a moment waiting for Seokjin to return. He wasn't sure if he could just leave the room and go somewhere or if he should wait. Because he didn't know, he decided to wait in the room. His eyes looked around searching for something of his interest. but there was nothing much different than what he already had seen before,

"Taehyung!" it was his father's voice. The boy turned around seeing his father walk inside with something small in his hand. He approached Taehyung and extended his hand. "here, this is yours"

"oh, what's this?" Taehyung asked, opening up his hand, and his father dropped a memory card inside. It is identical to the one Seokjin got out of his neck.

"A memory card"

"what do i do with this?" Taehyung asked, having the thing in his hand that brought him only trouble so far.

"Come with me, i will show you" dr.kim said and smiled as he took the lead walking through the hallways to a room. He turned on the lights and in the middle was a dark shaded glass. He walked to it and pressed the red button which cleared it up. "The card is for this," he said.

Taehyung's eyes widened. He saw wires which were attached to the thing in the middle. it was standing there. its eyes.....its hands....its face.... Taehyung looked at his father and then went back to the thing in the room...

it was an android.

"J-jungkook?" he said, surprised.

"Well it's just metal now, I copied his body and created a new one for him. One which doesn't contain human parts. His human parts were already dead so I got rid of them. it's got the same appearance but the insides are new and better. "The only thing that's missing is the thing in your hand.

Taehyung looked down at the chip in his hand. "What do you mean? I destroyed Jungkook's memory card..."

"I know, and that's good of you. but this one was inside of you, what many people were after" dr. Kim said. "I had made a different type of chip which I connected to Jungkook's previous one. It was transferring all the data he collected. so this one in your hand is a copy of Jungkook's older chip. it contains all his memories and experiences." dr. Kim explained.

Taehyung looked at the chip. He was holding Jungkook right here in his hand. He turned the chip looking at it more closely and gasped softly seeing the letters on the back.


"Go ahead and put it in. wake up your android"

Taehyung walked through the door his father opened and walked to the android. He really looked identical to jungkook. so much that it made taehyung's heart skip a beat. He teared up seeing the love of his life again. He held the chip tightly and walked behind the android seeing the opened lid on his neck. a red light flickered next to the gap where the memory card would fit perfectly. Taehyung put the memory card above the hole and took a deep breath. He had some hope. but he didn't dare to hope, what if it wont work. what if the chip was empty.....

"P-please work" Taehyung whispered and inserted the card. He heard a click and the card got accepted, disappearing inside its spot. a strange sound was heard and then the red light turned blue.....


Hmmm interesting. 

Thank you for reading, see you later!


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