23: target

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This may be the best morning Jungkook ever had.

He was shaken from his sleep mode when he felt something heavy on top of him. When he opened his eyes he noticed Taehyung had decided to crawl on top of him his hands and legs on either side using the android like a mattress.

The raven smiled lovingly at his sleepy boyfriend. Finally he could call this human his boyfriend. Jungkook wasnt the type to feel joy or happyness. But he was sure that he did ever since yesterday that Taehyung accepted his feelings and they got together. Something just switched inside of him. He felt different. He felt light and open.

"Taehyungie~" he said softly and carressed the boy's face with his finger tips. The amount of time he had to prsctice these type of actions. It took him almost a year to fully get the hang of his strength. He would be squeezing things untill they broke but now he could gently touch or hold something delicately in his hand.

"wake up darling"

The boy started to smile indicating that he wasnt sleeping anymore. And that was followed by his eyes opening.
The Android waited excitedly for the boy to look up and lock eyes, which he luckily did.

"hello" Jungkook said when the boy looked into his blue eyes.


"you look beautiful this morning"

"aish, its too early for my heart" taehyung said and rolled off the other back to his small side of the bed.


"i want a bath" taehyung said. He wanted to get a nice hot bath to relax himself more and then start his day.

"bath with me" jungkook said

"a-ah....sure, WAIT i mean no" taehyungs eyes widen at his answer. Jungkook chuckled and pulled him back to his side of the bed.

"why not~"

"im shy"

"you dont have to be shy, you are beautiful"

"maybe i have a ugly body, and im shy to show me naked."

"i see, i wouldnt be able to find you ugly. But its okay, you go take that bath. I will shop for breakfast okay?" jungkook said and placed a few soft kisses on Taehyung's neck.

"okay, thats good" the younger smiled and nodded.

"alright, i will turn on the bath before i leave. Dont forget it" the andoid left the bed to get dressed and started filling the bath for his boyfriend before he left.


After Taehyung took a long bath he walked downstairs. On the last step he stopped and looked at the raven who was buisy in the kitchen. The andoird seemed to be making pancakes again. Not that taehyung was complaining about that.
But the silver's eyes were not watching that they were watching Jungkook. His sharp features that complimented his face well. His soft healthy looking raven black hair.
His arched bowlike lips. Everything was so perfect in the boy's eyes.

And this time it made him feel a new feeling shen he watched the other. He felt a intense feeling in his body. And when Jungkook turned around it spread all to his lower belly. They locked eyes but taehyung couldnt look away.

Jungkook noticed and he turned off the fire walking towards the boy. Taehyung's eyes never left him even if the boy tried to.

"hello there" Jungkook said and snaked an arm around the boy's waist pulling him against his body. Without any hesitation Taehyung suddenly kissed him. The android tilted his head and kissed back slowly taking a few steps forward.
Taehyung's back hit the wall now trapped between the android's strong body and the hard wall. Not that he minded. He felt safe with Jungkook, even now he felt protected and secured.

"Tae..." jungkook Whispered when they parted he lowered his face into the silver's neck and started kissing it. Feeling the soft skin of the boy with a suck.

"j-jungkook" taehyung breathed out his hands wrapped around Jungkook's back. He fisted the man's shirt with his hands. This feeling he felt was growing more and more. It was good, taehyung liked this. He wanted it to grow more

Jungkook moved his left hand over taehyung's waist down over his hip to his thigh. He raised the boys leg next to his own hip feeling the soft flesh of the boy's leg. From the position change he could feel their clothes members brush against eachother with each movement.

"a-ah" taehyung let out a breathy moan and out nis head into the android's neck hiding himself.

"the pancakes are getting cold baby" Jungkook whispereed stopping his actions to brush his fingers through Taehyung's hair.

What was about to happen he knew very well, but this was not the moment or the time for it.

"y-yes, l-lets eat" taehyung said and watched Jungkook step back while holding his hand. Slowly he felt the intense feeling dissapear.

"would you like syrup or powdered sugar?" jungkook asked as they sat at the table with their plates filled with a few pancakes




A man walked down the stairs using his keycard to unlock the door. With a beep the lights went green and the door slid open. His steps were almost in a hurry.

He was in a hurry, he had important news.

He neared the last door they opened after a scan and he walked forward towards the desk. A tall man stood near a big window that had view on an empty white room.


"yes?" the man turned around and pressed a button. The big window turned black and he turned around. His natural dark brown colored eye completely didnt watch with his glowing red robotic eye. It scanned the man in front of him and he hummed.

"i have news" the other man walked forward extending his hand which held a printed picture. "we found it"

"but...This is a boy" the boss said.

"its inside of the boy" the man said pointing at the photo.

"how did you know?"

"he hase this Andoid guarding him everytime. And we managed to hack it, we found it though the robot. It knew the boy had it"

"i see, good work" the boss smirked and walked to his desk placing the photo down while he took a seat.
"call, Lay"

"right away" the man hurried out of the room leaving the boss alone staring at the photo

"so this this boy got what i have been looking for....Interesting move Dr.Kim"

The door opening again caught the man's attention. He looked up amd greeted Lay who walked in. His steps confident.

"you called for me"

"yes....Here" the boss handed his worker the photo,

"bring me the boy"


Slowly there will be some things happening in the story yeye👀

Keke i hope you enjoyed thank you for reading and see you in the next update!

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