41: call

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A few days passed and Taehyung still wasn't okay. The house was empty and he barely slept. He kept waking up, missing the warmth that would hold him when he went to sleep or when he had a nightmare. When he was scared he was alone to fight it making him cry. He didn't like being alone like this. He missed Jungkook so much, the hurt in his heart never faded. He hung out with Jimin more often now but it wasn't really making him any happier. He appreciated the effort of his friend to cheer him up, and he liked that he still had a friend to meet up with so he wouldn't drown in sadness at home.

Like now, he was out with Jimin sitting at a cafe nearby. They sat inside as Jimin didn't want to be seen by the police if they would pass by. He was literally risking his life for his best friend by hanging out in public like this. Bit hmit was all worth it.

"So how are you doing now?"

Taehyung shrugged at Jimin's question and sighed. "i miss him so much Jimin, you have no idea. It hurts a lot in my heart. I can't believe he is gone..."

"i think it was better for him hearing how he was then, it must be sad for him to feel himself shut down like that"

"yea, i just didn't think it would come that soon, i wasn't ready to say goodbye yet. But it seems time was never on my side." Taehyung looked down at his lite cake and grabbed his fork taking a bite from the sweet.

"I know...But you're strong like he said. He helped you to get here you can continue in your own now"

"I'm trying but it's hard suddenly being so alone. I have never been alone before. Jungkook was always with me....I don't really remember the time he wasn't there, '' Taehyung said while taking small bites from his cake. Jimin looked at him a bit sadly.

"i'm here for you, you can call me if you want me to come over for a few days or anything. Maybe do the grocery shopping?"

"Thanks, you're an amazing friend even if you are a sneaky thief," Taehyung said, making Jimin chuckle and smile.

"now then eat your cake. We have been here for over an hour already, I think the waiters want us to leave" jimin said he had noticed some waiters looking at them. The cafe was full and they had been here for the longest time.Basically keeping the table for themselves all the time.

"yea yea" Taehyung ate faster, taking bigger bites and soon enough finished it. He gulped away his almost cold coffee and stood up. Taehyung wasn't someone that likes coffee but he was lacking sleep a lot and felt very tired he could use the boost it gives. So he kind of forced himself to drink the coffee. He added a lot of sugar to get rid of the bitter taste.

"I think I'm gonna head home," Taehyung said once they were outside after paying the bill together. 

"sure? Shall I walk you home?"

"no i will be fine, it's up ahead no need" Taehyung smiled not accepting the offer.

"whatever you say, call me when you need me" Jimin smiled and have his friend a hug before they parted ways. Jimin went further into tjr city and Taehyung went to his home.

It was strange to walk home knowing no one was waiting for him at home. He had a little thought and hoped that maybe Jungkook would suddenly open the door or walk by him. But taehyung also knew that was db thought. He destroyed the one thing that kept Jungkook alive with his own hands. There was no way the android would be alive and in his home again.

With a heavy feeling taehyung walked inside looking around in the silent and cold house 

"im....I'm home..." he said. He still did ever since he was a little kid taken care of by Jungkook. But now no one was there to greet him and welcome him home. He took off his shoes and walked to the living room flopping on the couch.He placed his phone away and grabbed the tv remote. He will go watch some funny movies to cheer him up and forget about Jungkook for a little moment. He needed some distraction, he was eating himself up and drowning in these feelings. He was gonna pull himself together now.

He was actually having a pretty nice time for once, it was a nice movie. And it got later and it was already time for dinner. But Taehyung wasn't hungry. He didn't want to eat, but he knew Jungkook would be sad if he didnt take proper care of himself. 


"oh?" Taehyung didn't expect someone to call him. He walked to the table where he left his phone. And well, he definitely didn't expect his father to be calling. "hello? dad?"

"Hello Taehyung, can you come to the lab tonight?"

"Uhm, I think I can. why?" Taehyung asked, checking the time quickly.

"It's important, just come over."

"okay..i will be there at seven"

"great, got to get back to work now. i will be waiting for you" his father said and they ended the call. taehyung wondered why he needed to go there


Update spam day 2 lol😂

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