34: uninvited guest

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Taehyung had to stay at the hospital a few days and it was now day two. He had just finished eating something when an assistant walked inside.

"Kim, you have a visitor," she said.

"oh?" taehyung was surprised. He thought only Jungkook was here. The robot hasn't left his side since they entered this building. He was now in the toilets to clean his face and all he would return soon again, Taehyung looked at that he didn't have to be alone while staying here. He would have Jungkook at his side all the time. The doctors allowed the robot to stay with the boy. Normally guests would have to leave at night but since jungkook isn't actually a human they let it slip past their fingers and let him stay.

"shall i send him over?" she asked.

"sure" taehyung has no idea who it was but he was curious now. The lady walked away and taehyung waited for whoever was visiting him. It took a minute before the door was opened again. and a not to welcome person walked in. Taehyung's eyes widened watching his ex-boyfriend enter the room.

"Why are you here?" he asked.

"Would you look at that, see i already said i didnt like that stupid robot. and see now, he got you into a hospital." Jisung said looking at the boy.

"Shut up, you have no idea what you're talking about. and besides you're not even welcome here" taehyung frowned. he didn't want to see him. He hated him. "get out"

"Are you really gonna put me out? you must be missing me hm?"

"i don't! you cheated on me, in no 100 years i will ever miss you, i didnt even think of you. I have Jungkook now. He treats me way better than you!" Taehyung said, annoyed. He felt his chest sting from the wound but he didn't care right now. He just wanted to be angry at Jisung who just decided to show up in a place and situation like this. "i don't care about you even a little bit, i hate you"

"Too bad, i see im not welcome"

"no you're fucking not!" taehyung cursed, he rarely cursed but now he did. He wanted Jisung to know he really was NOT welcome anywhere near taehyung. "i want you to leave me and jungkook alone!"

"Stupid robot, stealing you from me"

"says the one cheating on me!" taehyung said he didn't think Jisung would be this stupid. "you are not the one to talk guilt or anything because you are the one to blame"

"Feisty are you, i don't remember you being like this" Jisung chuckled.

"leave the fucking room! i don't want you here and i don't want to see you!" Taehyung was angry that the other wasn't leaving. Luckily for him The door opened again and Jungkook walked in. His kind blue eyes turned to Jisung and he glared at the human.

"You have some nerves showing up here" Jungkook said Jisung turned his head looking at the android.

"oh he is here too" he said and scoffed. "Just you wait you will come back to me. i know how to treat you." Jisung said pointing his finger at his ex.

"No i will not, now leave" Taehyung said crossing his arms at the other. Jisung looked pissed and then left the room bumping his shoulder into jungkook when he walked out.

"You okay?" jungkook asked once the door was shut.

"im fine, but damn my chest hurts now" Taehyung chuckled, putting a hand on the healing wound.

"do i need to call someone?"

"no i will be fine, I think ,'' Taehyung said. the android nodded and got the chair from the corner sitting next to taehyung. "can we play a game tonight together? it's so boring here"

"sure, what do you want to play?"

"hmm maybe 'who am i?'"

"we have it at home, i could run home and get something to play" jungkook offered. he was fast, since he was a robot he could run really fast and being alone he didn't have to follow taehyung's human speed.

"if it's no trouble, I would appreciate that, i really want to do something fun again" Taehyung smiled.

"then i will stop by at home" Jungkook said and stood up.

"oh you're leaving right now?"

"yea, i thought it would be nice if i return soon." Jungkook said thinking the boy didn't like the idea. He thought it was good.

"Oh then it's okay, i will miss you"

"It's just twenty minutes," Jungkook chuckled.

"but still...it's twenty minutes!"

"hmm, just think of me. And besides I'm always with you" Jungkook said. "trust me, you have always had a piece of me with you all your life" The android smiled. his eyes falling onto the boy's neck. taehyung just looked back at the robot confused. "okay I'm leaving, I will be back soon. call the doctor if something is wrong okay? dont assume its fine"

"I will dad," Taehyung said, rolling his eyes. jungkook squinted his eyes.

"don't roll your eyes at me young man."

"yes yes, now go grandpa"

"i am offended"

"you said it yourself. 'Ow my poor legs' 'Taehyung mimicked Jungkook's voice form when they were on the train a while ago.

"Shut up, I'm really leaving now" jungkook said and left the room with a smile. Taehyung smiled too but sighed when Jungkook was gone. twenty minutes. what should he do in twenty minutes. it's long when you have to wait.

this room didn't have anything to amuse himself with. well it had a tv but the remote was too far away and taehyung wasn't feeling like getting up. it would hurt if he moved his arms too much so he didn't want to get up. He stared at the remote for a long time maybe thinking the force would come to him like in the movie Star Wars. but it of course didn't work. He sighed and just decided to lay down and relax. he closed his eyes and surprisingly feel asleep very quick.


*insert Jungkook's voice* Its been a while.

but im here again with an update!😳 i hope you enjoyed, i will see you in the next update!🌼🌼🌼

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