19: festival

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the next morning Taehyung was the first that opened his eyes. he looked up seeing the android's eyes still shut. He smiled. Jungkook was really handsome, even more when he was this close. He was so happy to have him.  He snuggled more against the ether wrapping his arm over the raven his torso to hug him. The movement made Jungkook's eyes snap open. he looked down seeing taehyung practically wrapping himself around him and he smiled.

"Goodmorning Taehyung" he said his pretty light blue glowing eyes looking down at the silver haired boy in his arms. Taehyung looked back up at the older.

"Morning Kookie"

"i just saw in the calendar that the Monthly fair festival is today, do you want to go there?"

"yes! i would like that"

"lets make it a date"

"a-a date" taehyung whispered with a slight blush. "yea, a date is nice"

"Well thats settled then, get ready, dont forget to shower, brush teeth and your hair" jungkook said. The silver haired chuckled. it was just like jungkook used to tell him every morning when he was younger. The raven would fall in his old programmed sentences time to time, but taehyung thought it was cute and funny, he didnt mind it.

"Yes yes" 

"do you need help, want me to wash you?" jungkook asked with a grin. Taehyungs eyes widen and he shook his head blushing.

"i-i can do it"

"cute. alright, i will quickly brush my teeth and then start breakfast" jungkook chuckled. 


and so they did, Taehyung did his hair in a nice fluffy model. His end were a bit curled to his surprise. he smiled and played with them a bit. He had more of a wave in his hair when he was younger but they dissapeared when he grew. maybe they were coming back, if so taehyung really will like that.

"Jungkook-ah im ready!" he said when he walked down the stairs wearing a white shirt and blue straight jeans. The raven was wearing a black long sleeve shirt and skinny jeans with them. He turned around and smiled at the boy.

"i made breakfast" he said and looked at the two plates that had a rather simple noodle soup with toasted bread on the side and two glasses of water.

"oeeh, looks good" the silver sat down and smelled the steaming soup. "can i eat?"

"of course" jungkook sat down in front of the boy and they ate their food. While they were eating taehyung kept looking up to stare at Jungkook. his beautiful shiny soft intense raven black hair, his arched lips, blue eyes, boopable nose. everything was beautiful, yes Jungkook was handsome but that didnt man he wasn't beautiful. In taehyungs eyes the android was very beautiful.

"you're beautiful" taehyung said and quickly looked down so they wont have a eye contact and he wil get shy.

"Me?" jungkook asked tilting his head a bit confused.

"Yes you"

"Really?" the android was surprised by that and seemed to be thinking about it. his blue eyes moving around thoughtfully. "thank you" he then smiled.

Once they finished their food, which was surprisingly already lunch seeing the time went by fast. they must have woken up late, they decided to visit the fair. Taehyung held Jungkook's hand as they neared the city's big plaza. they already heard the music and voices of people and kids.

"Can i get a candy apple?"

 "you just had breakfast..."

"i know, but its already 2pm i can have one"

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