24: nightmare

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After their breakfast the couple were back in the city after shopping for grocery's. They had a list of only what they needed but ended up with a lot more. Taehyung wanted chips so Jungkook also wanted something for him and well they ended up buying more things they didnt need that what they did need. 

"Why did you get this?" Taehyung asked looking at a pack with banana milk bottles.

"Because its tasty"

"Alright then" Taehyung chuckled and put it back in the bag while they walked. The city had a lot of crime that it wasnt even much surprising if you saw a police chasing a criminal. This time of the ae it was a common problem. But even if the world was like his here in the city Taehyung still saw it as a great place and always felt safe. He had Jungkook. the Android made him feel protected. he was like the wing of a mother bird that protected her babies. It felt like Taehyung had a little shied over him protecting him from harm. so he didnt feel much bothered by the bad things around them. Jungkook was always there to catch him if he tripped and hold him when he was sad. 

Jungkook was always there at his side.

Taehyung trusted the other blindly. And Jungkook always assured him that he could. Yes jungkook had a strange behaviour change a few days ago. but that wasnt Jungkook so Taehyung didnt blame him. He knows Jungkook. 

"Hey, isnt that Officer Jung?" Taehyung asked seeing a police officer stand next to his motor bike holding his phone with a frown.

"It is" Jungkook said and scanned the other a profile name sowed up above the man's head. it was obviously Jung Hosoek now. That was a nice thing. Most people that worked had a digital profile online so a little scan and the raven would be able to see their information. all police officers had one in their name tag. Not the regular people could see it. but Jungkook wasnt human. he was a program so he could just see it whenever he felt like it.

"Hosoek!" taehyung said cheerful as he ran towards the officer who looked up and smiled at him.

"Hey Taehyung. het Jungkook" the man greeted them and put his phone away.

"How are you?" 

"great. i was just looking at a message my boss send me. Apparently someone broke into  Kim Industries and messed with their computer. We are now trying to catch the man. well we already have a face."

"really, but thats my father's place? who did it?"

"thats information i cant tell you now Taehyung, you know that" the officer chuckled. Taehyung was always curious to n0w everything even when the boy was little he would ask if he could join and see him arrest someone. 

"hmm worth trying" Taehyung said, Jungkook smiled at him.

"so how are you two?" hoseok asked noticing the way jungkook stared at the silver haired boy.

"good! I have a boyfriend!"

"really thats good" Hosoek said smiling. 

"yes, Jungkook!" taehyung pointed to the Android next to him and then hugged him. Jungkook smiled wide and looked at Hosoek.

"okay, i must that that this is very cute. you two fit together" Hosoek said looking at the two. Taehyung a human..Jungkook an Android. it may look like an odd combination. but if it worked for the two Hoseok was more than happy to support it. 

"I should be leaving now, work calls" Hosoek said getting a buzz inside his pocket indicating a call.

"Alright, have fun! please come visit us again soon"

"I would love to, i will keep it in mind" Hosoek smiled and got on his bike. 

the two waved off the officer untill he drove away. then continued thier way back home.


That night the loving couple were deep in dreamland. Well one was....The other not so.

The Android had his eyes closed but his ears caught a noise.

"n-no.....No.....No stop!"

Jungkook frowned and slowly opened his eyes, he wasnt sure what kind of voice expression it was. It didnt sound like threat but it was also not something good. His glowing eyes slowly looked around searching for the source of the noise.

"stay back!"

Then he realised what it was. It was Taehyung's voice. The android shot up in bed his face filled with worry when he looked over to the boy next to him. He noticed the shimmer of tears on the silver's cheeks and the distressed face.

"Tae, wake up" jungkook said shaking the boy.

"dont touch me!" taehyung trashed around with his hands and legs almost like he saw Jungkook as a threat.

"Taehyung! Wake up!" Jungkook said and shook the boy. He wanted to get the boy awake as fast as possible, he didnt want to boy to have nightmares.

Luckily in an instant taehyung's eyes shot open and he inhaled sharply. His wide eyes looking around in fear.

"hey, its me...Im here" Jungkook said taking the boy in his arms who immediately started crying once he was safely in the Android's arms.

"what did you dream tae?" the raven asked as he slowly swayed left to right and caress his back calming the boy.

"i-im s-scared" taehyung said and wiped his eyes with his shirt.

"why baby, why are you scared?" jungkook asked he wasnt sure what could possibly scare the boy like this. What was he dreaming of?

"i-i was i-in a w-white room....Bad P-people....i-i got h-hurt....Y-you got h-hurt" taehyung said trying to keep his voice stable bit failing. The image of his dream came back.

It felt too real.

"hurt? How hurt?"

"t-they asked me questions b-but i didnt know the answers....T-they got angry"

"i was hurt too?"

"y-you were with them...P-please stay at my side. D-dont turn against me.....Please"

"why would i ever do that!?" Jungkook said looking at the boy. "i love you i would never do something to hurt you or stand against you. I am always on your side"

"i-i trust you" taehyung said and let the android pull him down in a laying position. But still hugging him protectively.

"you can trust me. I will always protect you. now try to sleep again okay?" jungkook said and placed a soft peck on taehyung's head. The silver smiled a hit and closed his eyes.

"i will watch over you tonight, dont worry" the Android stayed awake all night his blue eyes open watching over the room and the boy just like he said. Jungkook didnt really need the sleep so staying awake was no problem at all.

And also most of the time he spend thinking of taehyung's dream, it was an odd thing and Taehyung seemed really upset over it.....


thank you for reading see you in the next chapter!


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