26: shadow

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The two have enjoyed their long bath untill the water turned cold and Taehyung wanted to get out.

"It hurtsss" Taehyung complained putting both his hands on his ass. 

"Was i too rough?" jungkook asked a bit concerned and confused, he was being careful he didnt think he went rough.

"No you were perfect, but it just hurts" 

"It will pass. let me carry you" Jungkook said and lifted the boy up carrying him into the bedroom to get dressed. Taehyung had a pout on his face all the time refusing to walk. He didn't think it would hurt like this after it, but he also could imagine it would now since it was his first time. 

"Thanks" he said softly when Jungkook handed him his sweater and jogging pants.

"You can go call your father, i will clean the house today"

"but we were supposed to do that together, i cant let you do it alone" Taehyung said. other people would just order their robot to do everything but Taehyung didnt want that, jungkook got feelings too. maybe they worked a bit differently, ut that doesnt matter.

"its fine, i am fast. i am not the one with a pain in the ass so you go relax. we will make dinner together later okay?"

"fine.." Taehyung sighed. he didnt want Jungkook to feel like he had to do everything. with a slight limp he went downstairs and flopped on the couch with his phone. He was going to call his father right away, he totally forgot about it this morning...obviously.


"hey Dad is me!"

"hello Taehyung, how are you?" His father asked sounding happy suddenly. It made the boy smile.

 "good! i was a bit worried about you, i heard someone broke into your factory"

"ah, yes that. No need to worry. nothing was broken or stolen. The police knows about the criminal. the only thing they did is search into my computer files."

"ah im glad nothing bad happened" Taehyung said and sat up.

"Me too. now i have you on call i need to tell you i wont be able to see you this weekend. I have a testing to do and wont be at the factory for a few days"

"ooh what are you testing?"

"we made a new machine that will be for the military, it is an armed robot. so it will be exciting but dangerous too"

"Please dont get hurt, i dont want to visit you in a hospital." Taehyung said.

"you have no need to worry about that, i am a bit crazy but not stupid to risk my life." mr. Kim chuckled. "anyway, i am glad you called. i have to get back to work now. I will see you in two weeks okay?"

"alright, stay healthy and safe, bye bye!" Taehyung ended the call and smiled at his phone, it was good to have spoken to his father now. it was a bit disappointing he wont e able to visit this weekend but it was okay. he will just go do something else with Jungkook.


While the two boyfriends were at their home without any worries somewhere else under the ground was an Elf standing in his lover's office.

"You what?" yoongi asked looking up form his paper.

"I didnt do it....I cant do that to him. he caught me, i changed my mind yoongi, i cant to it!" Jimin said.

"i see...your too weak to do it, but still..." yoongi said and stood up. he approached Jimin who tried his best to not let the other manipulate him. "it doesnt make me love you any less, now come here" he continued and pushed Jimin against the wall their faces inches apart. The older waited. he waited for the other.

and of course just as he expected Jimin gave in and kissed him. 

it was not a long kiss but enough for both of them at the moment. "im sorry yoongi"

"its okay love" Yoongi gave him a smile then turned to one of his men that stood next to the door he gave him a nod.

"What will you do now?"

"I will go get it myself then" 

"what no!" Jimin said and grabbed the older's arm feeling the cold metal under his palm. yoongi had lost his arm and replaced it with a robotic arm. he had almost died in an explosion but survived. he lost his arm and a pat of his leg. those were now replaced by robotic parts. you could still see burn marks on the side of his face and on his chest. 

Jimin wasnt there at the time of event leaving him to Yoongi's relief unharmed.

"I want his card Jimin, boyfriend of taehyung or not. that thing will be mine!"

"I will NOT allow you to do that!"

"dont talk against me JIMIN" the other shouted back and saw the elf flinch back. 

"I am staying out tonight" Jimin said with a angry expression. 


"NO" the elf swatted the other's hand away and glared at him. yoongi's eyes turned hurt. but the younger didnt care right now. "Fuck off for now will you"


"dont 'baby' me goodnight" and with that the Elf left the office stomping his way out of the building into the cold night air. he loved Yoongi with all his heart but he was not having that behaviour of the other. 


 the night wasnt only for Jimin the night was in all the country now. And at that moment Taehyung was stirring the tomato sauce for their pasta dinner. It was late almost 9 pm. they were not hungry earlier, they had a long and late start of the day. 

"Jungkook, could to get that glass for me?" Taehyung asked while reaching up standing on his toes. the drawer above the stove was too high for him to reach.

"yea, on my way" the android replied standing in front of the window. 

His blue eyes were scanning the street behind the glass. he saw something. there was a shadow in the alley nest to the house in front of theirs. He wouldnt think much of it as it was only a dark shadow, but the shadow didnt match the shape that should be there. it was disturbed by a much darker shape.

Jungkook had been staring at it for a while now, and he felt that it stared back at him. He couldn't scan it wither. Jungkook wasnt sure what it was but he dint want to look away. he had to know if it was something or not.

"Kookieee~"  taehyung said impatient. 

"yes i am coming, wait"  the android said again but didnt move he squinted his eyes at the figure. Suddenly it moved and that when Jungkook knew for sure.

they were being watched.


thank you for reading see you in the next chapter!!


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